The world is completely illusory

A wooden elephant, the bullion lion, or the pot done out of clay have been not binary in the sense there is an elephant detached from the wood, the lion detached from the gold, as well as the pot detached from the clay. As regards the piece such as wood, etc., there isnt an elephant, the lion or the pot. There is only substance. Understanding this helps us to assimilate the elemental teachings of Mind. This equates to which when we awaken to Mind we behold, for the first time, the idealisation piece from which all things have been composed; which equates to things dont essentially exist. This piece Mind is the only realityin fact, so genuine which the phenomena which arise from it have been completely illusory as well as will never be otherwise.

This, we need to add, is not meant to lead up to some kind of brand new philosophy; nor should we consider Mind under the lens of metaphysics leaving it as that. We have been not ostensible to conceive or think about it. We have been ostensible to comprehend Mind. This is the most arduous task the tellurian being can commence though the single which can be accomplished. All else is being like the prisoners sitting in Platos cave gazing during shadows, speculating about them.

While many texts in the criterion have been saying essentially what we am saying this is all though missed or purposely ignored by modern Buddhists who dont have much time for perspicacious through the unusual veil of mind-composed phenomena to behold Mind, itself. No, theyre still attached to the universe of shapes like the elephant, the lion as well as the pot, together with the brand new home, the BMW, the eighth month in the Hawaii, etc., all of this being the very discord of pure Mind. Somehow they believe Buddhism is ostensible to help them live the great hold up in the universe of shadows. Not so. To believe such is the misreading of the Buddhist canona terrible misreading.

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