
realization, just as Dogen understood Zazen. If we are uncomfortable, it is important to face that discomfort not step away from it.

Here are a set of truths: Spiritual practice is a discipline. Every discipline is uncomfortable. Comfort is awakenings enemy.

The Order of Clear Mind Zen is fairly simple with straightforward practices. Few frills. We offer Sangha membership, Zazen, and study groups. You may use a chair after it is determined that you cannot sit on a cushion or use a bench. If you cannot sit still we will invite you to practice harder. Our building is air conditioned and we do not have access to the thermostat. We have a small fan and use it when the Zendo is full. All of this, though, is window dressing. When you come to a Zen Center you are coming to practice Zazen. It is a practice that can be challenging. This is where the commitment to a disciplined practice comes in. The Buddha referred to this as the development of kashanti, (patience or forbearance) a word we rarely use today (I wonder why?!)

The thing is that without kashanti we become weak. Dependent on ease, we never really face ourselves.

Be well.

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