The 8 Habits of Healthy Living
The art of living well and the art of dying well are one. ~Epicurus Post written by Leo Babauta . I dont have health insurance, so I have a big investment in staying healthy. And so I did a little research today I found the top causes of death, then created a spreadsheet for the controllable risk factors for each . Some things cant be controlled (your age, family history of diseases, gender). But others can. And those things arent a huge surprise you already know not to smoke, drink too much, or eat crappily. Its interesting, though, how all of the major diseases are caused by the same things: smoking, diet, exercise, alcohol and stress. Below Ill list the top habits you can change, and a simple method for changing them. The 8 Habits of Healthy Living 1. Stop smoking . This is by far the most important habit, as it affects almost every single one of the leading causes of death. Its also the hardest of these habits to change. Its not at all impossible I quit six years ago next month ...