Demands intense awareness
What I love and remember about Steve Jobs he knew all too well how to undo cluster fucks. Yes, businesses have a penchant for not only hiring borderline psychopaths (cf. Hare, Snakes in Suits) but they also have a penchant for engineering cluster fucks at an alarming rate!
Steve, as some knew, was a Buddhist. As a Buddhist Steve saw one obvious thing, people are so fucking unaware it is unbelievabletheyre somnambulists half the time. Sometimes you just have to roar like a lion to make these dreamers wake up (and Steve did that according to my sources). Yesto run a successful computer company which is about quality and making hardware and software even your granny can use, demands intense AWARENESS.
Some of you may have guessed or discovered that I have been posting on another blog, Right now it is so cluster fucked that when I logged in I created a new blog! Whoa! So what the fuck happened to Ekacitta? Has it been hijacked by Dogen's ghost or some smug, Roshi jerk from Zen Forum International? Who knows? As of this post, I will not being doing a Posterous blog anymore. They should rename the company goat fuck.
We miss you Steve!