Story of Sokei-an and Ruth Fuller Sasaki to get Kickstarter boost

Story of Sokei-an and Ruth Fuller Sasaki to get Kickstarter boost

Story of Sokei-an and Ruth Fuller Sasaki to get Kickstarter boost

Posted: 14 Mar 2012 02:38 AM PDT

Archivist and author Janica Anderson is currently writing a biography on Ruth Fuller Everett Sasaki and Sokei-an Sasaki, an endeavor that's taken her a good decade to research and write; she also hopes for a feature film to accompany it. She's started a Kickstarter campaign to find sources of funding, an approach that has proven successful for many other writers and filmmakers.

Sokei-an was a Rinzai Zen teacher from Japan, and Ruth was an American aristocrat who later married Sokei-an. Janica is an archivist of spoken audio recordings, with 13 archives under her care (the largest of which is the Esalen Institute archive). She is also seeking funds to digitize the archives (separate from the current campaign). See

Why does she need funding? Here's her explanation, taken from her Kickstarter campaign page:

"This book has been a labor of love, but I have now come to the point in the project where I need help. Kickstarter is a Godsend. I seek funds to travel to Kyoto, Japan to complete my research; funds to hire an editor, who will help me polish the book; funds to hire an audio engineer, to edit the 9 hours of the interview of Ruth. I also seek funds to hire a screen writer. There have been a few, full length feature films on Tibetan Buddhist, but to my knowledge none on Zen Buddhist. There is no doubt this unforgettable story of awakening and love will make an inspiring book and extraordinary feature film."

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