Virginia Republican E.W. Jackson Says Yoga and Meditation May Lead To Satanic Possession.

Posted: 07 Jun 2013 06:00 PM PDT

This from The Inquisitr:
Republican candidate for Lieutenant Governor in Virginia E.W. Jackson has expressed concern over the potential for individuals who practice yoga and meditation to become possessed by Satan.  
The purpose of such meditation is to empty oneself … [Satan] is happy to invade the empty vacuum of your soul and possess it. That is why people serve Satan without ever knowing it … Beware of systems of spirituality which tell you to empty yourself. You will end up filled will something you probably do not want."  READ THE FULL ARTICLE
James: Unfortunately, Mr. Jackson clearly doesn't know much about meditative traditions, such as Buddhism. I can't speak for other religions, but Buddhists don't even believe that we have souls, so what is there to possess?

It turns out, that the Dalai Lama has been meditating for 60 years without being perceived as "devilish" or "evil." Quite the contrary!! He is beloved, and respected, by millions for his compassion and astounding kindness toward all beings, regardless of religion. Does that sound like someone who is "Satanic?" It's silly.

Sadly, some of the people who hear E.W.'s words are people filled with intolerance and bigotry toward any belief system that isn't Christianity. It is my fear that this kind of talk from Mr. Jackson will inspire some mentally unhinged person to commit violence against Buddhists and/or Hindus; especially in predominately Christian parts of the country. But...

...I don't hate those intolerant Christians. I have compassion for someone who has that much fear of others. Living in fear with hatred pumping through your veins is a miserable existence. I have learned this through my own trials and struggles after leaving the Mormon church. I sincerely hope he can let go of his intolerance before it poisons his heart for good. May he educate himself, and act with compassion rather than hate.

We are all one big, spiritual family. We don't have to believe in the teachings of other belief systems but we do need to treat them as worthy of existence, and worthy of not being mistreated. Especially living in the United States, which enshrined religious freedom in the early days of the American experiment. I accept Christians, and feel that they have good things to give society, and I hope that one day, Mr. Jackson can come to understand that feeling, and come to share it. He is not my enemy...he is my brother.

~i bow to the buddha within all beings~
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Posted: 07 Jun 2013 11:00 AM PDT
Looking for a great Buddhist book to dive into this summer? Our Book Review editor shares his picks for the Best Buddhist Books of the year —so far.
First in a series; click here to read.
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