A Morning at the Zen Center
I had a busy sunrise down during a zen core today. As partial of a sangha's annual meeting, 3 of us gave reduced dharma talks about issues related to house work as well as running communities. we spoke about a subsequent generation of practitioners, suggesting which a continuation of a sangha in to a destiny will need us to stay in-tune with a ways people, generally younger folks - have been finding Buddhism these days. And we will have change adaptations like online classes as well as blogging, for example, with a refuge of a thrust of a practices as well as teachings which have been handed down to us.
Following a dharma talks, we was behind "on stage," this time as a chairman of a house of directors heading a annual meeting. We've got a lot of stuff on a picture - discussions about a space as well as changes coming in a neighborhood a core is located, a brand new growth plan that's designed to beam a organization's subsequent 3-5 years, a stream budget as well as a prospects of violation even this year - it's a lot to consider.
A little over five years ago, a sangha was impending a tipping indicate towards closing, after carrying lost 40-50% of it's members as well as it's conduct teacher. So, it was petty extraordinary to be standing in front of a vibrant, enterprising group this morning, as well as to be deliberation long term goals of sustainability, instead of reduced term goals of survival.
And when we cruise my own life, as well as how much simple prudery as well as worries about self picture we had as a teen as well as early twenty something, it was kind of startling to find myself where we was during this sunrise - in a in front of of leadership, where people wanted to listen to what we had to say. Perhaps a little of we who have been reading this blog wouldn't find which terribly surprising, though we can still recollect how resistant we used to be to making brand new friends a! s well a s other connections. How sacred we was of expressing ideas which didn't compare up with what others thought. And how, even if we found myself in a care position, which my miss of articulateness (due to being too sealed up as well as attached to outcomes) often enervated my participation as well as stroke greatly.
So, we guess I'm feeling grateful to my sangha for all a years of support, as well as to a teachings as well as use in ubiquitous for opening my hold up up in such a way which we might be able to lead effectively. Just prior to we gave my partial of a sunrise talk, we pronounced to myself "Just be open to a knowledge in a room. Let it run by you." And which it did.
We have been regularly supported, even when it doesn't feel like it.
*Imagine of Clouds in Water Zen Center Zendo.