Rewriting History
Barry over at Ox Herding has a short, though honeyed post about forms of second guessing and efforts to re-write a past.
I've noticed which three difference fool around an important role in this storytelling:
Woulda Shoulda Coulda
You substantially additionally have a little knowledge with this line of thinking.
For certain we have. The thing is which all of these attempts to rewrite a past never appear to make it feel any better. It's like a little partial of me knows which it's a lie, a story, a piece of baked sweat bread which doesn't really suggest a low satisfaction to whatever craving we have.
Reviewing your history can suggest good insights. Sometimes, we might even find which what we suspicion happened essentially didn't.
Trying to rewrite a same history, however subtly, is something wholly different. It's not usually about a miss of acceptance, though it additionally is a certain fire approach to steer yourself divided from a truth of your life.