A Day

With palms together,

Good Morning Everyone,

Another day born into to make a difference. Our lives provide us with millions of moments to care, love, and nourish others. With each word, gesture, or look, we touch another. So each morning offers a world of opportunities. Most often we do not accept them, choosing instead to sleepwalk. In such times age becomes a bell of mindfulness.

As we age it seems an edge, call it urgency, appears. Facing our inevitable end we see what we missed, touch what really needs to be done, and in the process, realize how much of our time we waste. In this moment, I choose to let go my grasp and fall into the worlds arms knowing with certainty it will love me for it and I are not two, but one.

My birthday is always followed by Valentines Day and it has just occurred to me at 64 that birth and death are so deeply interconnected through love. In love, birth and death are rendered unimportant: they drop away, surrendering to the touch of the moment.

May our breath offer life, our touch heal, and our hearts join. There is only now.

Be well.

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