
With palms together,

Good Morning Everyone,

Loori-roshi, in his commentary on Case Number 9 of Master Dogens Shingi Shobogenzo, says, Mountains and rivers cannot be seen in a mirror. If you go to a mirror to see them, you make one reality into two things. Just let mountains be mountains and rivers be rivers. Each thing perfect and complete, abides in its own dharma state. He adds, when you really see, you go blind, when you really hear, you go deaf.

What is meant by this teaching?

When I look for something as something specific, I am looking for an idea of it (looking in a mirror), therefore, I will never see it for what it is. When I listen for something specific (looking in a mirror), I will never hear it as it is.

So to truly see is to not see what we are looking for, thus we are blind to the concept of that being seen and are actually seeing what is there in front of us.

Mountains and rivers are to be experienced to be realized.

When we come to Zen for Zen we will never find it. When we come to Zen and are Zen, everything is Zen.

Be well.

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