Elliston-sensei at Sesshin
With palms together,
Good Morning Everyone,
This week we will be gathering together for sesshin in honor of Ohigan. Rev. KoMyo-sensei will arrive on Monday from California, Rev. Taiun Elliston-sensei will arrive from Georgia, Rev. Shoji and Student Ryugin will arrive from California on Wednesday, and our El Paso people will arrive on Thursday. Rev. Bussho from Deming will arrive Thursday. In addition to our Orders members, we will host Rev. Gozen and Rev. Pries from the Zen Center of Las Cruces. So, our house will be full of Zensters and we will be practicing strongly in silence.
We are very much looking forward to our workshop day with Taiun-sensei on Thursday. The aim is to explore Matsuoka-roshis lineage and discuss the future direction of the Order of Clear Mind Zen. On Saturday morning Rev. Taiun-sensei will offer a presentation to the sesshin participants. Revs. KoMyo and Shoji will offer teishos on Saturday and Sunday respectively. On Sunday, after Rev. Taiun departs in the morning, we will complete two ordinations: Kathi Ryugin Sorensen will take Jukai and Tenzo Tamra will take Shukke. The ceremonies will begin at our 10:00 AM Sunday service which will be open to the sangha and public.
If you are not registered for sesshin, you are invited to attend the 10:00 AM service on Sunday and support our sangha members.
Be well.