
With palms together,

Good Morning Everyone,

This morning I would like to report that I failed my stress stress due to not reading the instructions. After Zazen and dokusan yesterday, several of us went to Tokyo Sushi for lunch and I ate vegetarian fried rise with jasmine tea. Didnt think anything of it until getting to the cardiac care center where Student Marcos offhandedly referred to fasting. Oy. Soooo, we rescheduled for today aqnd I was profusely apologetic and down-right embarrassed.

So, this morning at 11:30 stress test. No food, no coffee, no nothing.

Anyway, we will sit Zazen at 9:30 this morning and again at 6:00 PM. We will follow this with Zen 101 at 7:00. If you have any questions about Zen or your practice, this is the group to join.

Zen 101 will be moving into the next text for discussion which will be The Wholehearted Way a translation of Eihei Dogens Bendowa With Commentary by Kosho Uchiyama Roshi. This text is a foundational text for understanding the practice of Zazen. Please order a copy and have it available for group the first Tuesday of October.

See you soopn.

Be well.

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