Criticism: Why I Don't Dig Buddhism
- Criticism: Why I Don't Dig Buddhism
- New Yoga Studio Aims to Balance Spirituality, Exercise
- Happiness inquiry reveals 'Blitz' spirit
- What is mindfulness?
- Zen Meditation Allows A Person To Focus On Truth
- Applying Yoga’s Practice of Mindfulness To Everyday Life
- Yoga Video clips - Come across the Very best Yoga Movies For You
- A peaceful mind is a medicine to the soul.
- The Secret Behind Using Mind Control Tricks
- Overview of Zen Gardens
- Early Morning Stress Reduction Inspiration - 12/3/2011
- Patenting Yoga - A Crime against Humanity
- Find your Inner Genius with Mind Photography
- Subconscious Mind Power – Five Things That Might Obstruct
- The Five Faces Of Westner Yoga
- Meditation CDs are great ways to concentrate for beginners of meditation
- Meditation for an Alpha Mind State
- Buddhism of the Northern School
- Meditation (Deep breathing) processes for newbies
- There Are Many Ways To Relax
- Fish in Diet May Ward Off Alzheimer's
- Spirituality and Nature
Criticism: Why I Don't Dig Buddhism Posted: 03 Dec 2011 06:20 AM PST
In 1999, a flier appeared in my mailbox announcing that a local Japanese-American woman would soon start teaching Zen at my hometown library. If I believed in synchronicity, this flier's arrival would have seemed a clear case of it. I had just begun researching a book on science and mysticism, and I had decided that for the book's purposes—and my own well-being—I needed a spiritual practice. Superficially, Buddhism seemed more compatible than any other religion with my skeptical, science-oriented outlook. The Buddhist scholar Robert Thurman once told me that Buddhism is less a religion than a method for fulfilling human potential, a method as empirical in its way as science. Don't take my word for anything, Buddha supposedly said, just follow this path and discover the truth for yourself. So I started attending meditation sessions in the basement of my town's library, a castle overlooking the Hudson and finally the chapel of a Catholic monastery (where some of my classmates were nuns, who seemed much nicer than the ones I remember from my youth). I learned more about Buddhism by reading books and articles, attending lectures and conferences and, most of all, talking to lots of Buddhists, some famous, even infamous, others just ordinary folk trying to get by. Eventually, I stopped attending my Zen sessions (for reasons that I describe in detail elsewhere). One problem was that meditation never really tamed my monkey mind. During my last class, I fixated on a classmate who kept craning his neck and grunting and asking our teacher unbearably pretentious questions. I loathed him and loathed myself for loathing him, and finally I thought: What am I doing here? By that time, I also had serious intellectual qualms about Buddhism. I concluded that Buddhism is not much more rational than Catholicism, my childhood faith. One of Buddhism's biggest selling points for lapsed Catholics like me is that it supposedly dispenses with God and other supernatural claptrap. This claim is disingenuous. Buddhism, at least in its traditional forms, is functionally theistic, even if it doesn't invoke a supreme deity. The doctrines of karma and reincarnation imply the existence of some sort of cosmic moral judge who, like Santa Claus, tallies up our naughtiness and niceness before rewarding us with nirvana or rebirth as a cockroach. Those who emphasize Buddhism's compatibility with science usually downplay or disavow its supernatural elements (and even the Dalai Lama has doubts about reincarnation, a philosopher who discussed the issue with him once told me). The mystical philosopher Ken Wilber, when I interviewed him, compared meditation to a scientific instrument such as a microscope or telescope, through which you can glimpse spiritual truth. This analogy is bogus. Anyone can peer through a telescope and see the moons of Jupiter, or squint through a microscope and see cells divide. But ask 10 meditators what they see, feel or learn and you will get 10 different answers. Research on meditation (which I reviewed in my 2003 book Rational Mysticism, and which is usually carried out by proponents, such as psychologist Richard Davidson) suggests how variable its effects can be. Meditation reportedly reduces stress, anxiety and depression, but it has been linked to increased negative emotions, too. Some studies indicate that meditation makes you hyper-sensitive to external stimuli; others reveal the opposite effect. Brain scans do not yield consistent results, either. For every report of heightened neural activity in the frontal cortex and decreased activity in the left parietal lobe, there exists a contrary result. Moreover, those fortunate souls who achieve deep mystical states—through meditation or other means—may come away convinced of very different truths. Shortly before his death in 2001, the Buddhist neuroscientist Francisco Varela (a friend of Trungpa) told me that a near-death experience had showed him that mind rather than matter constitutes the deepest level of reality and is in some sense eternal. Other Buddhists, such as the psychologist Susan Blackmore, are strict materialists, who deny that mind can exist independently of matter. Blackmore looks favorably, however, upon the Buddhist doctrine of anatta, which holds that the self is an illusion. "Where, exactly, is your self?" Buddha asked. "Of what components and properties does your self consist?" Since no answer to these questions suffices, the self must be in some sense illusory. Meme theory, Blackmore contends in The Meme Machine (Oxford University Press, 2000), leads to the same conclusion; if you pluck all the memes out of a mind, you will have nothing left. She even rejects the concept of free will, holding that there is no self to act freely. Actually, modern science—and meditative introspection—have merely discovered that the self is an emergent phenomenon, difficult to explain in terms of its parts. The world abounds in emergent phenomena. The school where I teach can't be defined in strictly reductionist terms either. You can't point to a person or classroom or lab and say, "Here is Stevens Institute." But does that mean my school doesn't exist? Then there is the claim that contemplative practice will make us gentler, more humble and compassionate. InZen and the Brain (MIT Press, 1998), the neurologist and Buddhist James Austin proposes that meditation and mindfulness erode neural regions underpinning our innate self-centeredness. But given the repulsive behavior over the past few decades of so many gurus—including Chogyam Trungpa, who was an alcoholic womanizer and bully—you could conclude that mystical knowledge leads to pathological narcissism rather than selflessness. Instead of shrinking to a point and vanishing, the mystic's ego may expand to infinity. Did Buddhism deflate the ego of Steve Job? I've had a few experiences that could be called mystical. In The Faith to Doubt (Parallax Press, 1990), Stephen Batchelor, one of my favorite Buddhist authors (see my profile of him here), described an epiphany in which he was suddenly confronted with the mystery of being. The experience "gave me no answers," he recalls. "It only revealed the massiveness of the question." That was what I felt during my experiences, a jaw-dropping astonishment at the improbability of existence. I also felt an overwhelming sense of life's preciousness, but others may have very different reactions. Like an astronaut gazing at the earth through the window of his spacecraft, the mystic sees our existence against the backdrop of infinity and eternity. This perspective may not translate into compassion and empathy for others. Far from it. Human suffering and death may appear laughably trivial. Instead of becoming a saint-like Bodhisattva, brimming with love for all things, the mystic may become a sociopathic nihilist. I suspect some bad gurus have fallen prey to mystical nihilism. They may also have been corrupted by that most insidious of all Buddhist propositions, the myth of total enlightenment. This is the notion that some rare souls achieve mystical self-transcendence so complete that they become morally infallible—like the Pope! Belief in this myth can turn spiritual teachers into tyrants and their students into mindless slaves, who excuse even their teachers' most abusive behavior as "crazy wisdom." I have one final misgiving about Buddhism—or rather, about Buddha himself. His path to enlightenment began with his abandonment of his wife and child. Even today, Tibetan Buddhism—again, like Catholicism—upholds male monasticism as the epitome of spirituality. To me, "spiritual" means life-embracing, and so a path that turns away from aspects of life as essential as sexual love and parenthood is not spiritual but anti-spiritual. Buddhists often respond to my carping by saying, "You didn't give Buddhism enough time! If you truly understood it, you wouldn't say such stupid things!" And so on. String theorists and Freudian psychoanalysts employ this same tactic against their critics. I can't fault these supposed solutions to existence until I have devoted as much time to them as true believers. Sorry, life's too short. Some of my best friends are Buddhists, and I enjoy reading and talking to Buddhist and quasi-Buddhist intellectuals, including all those I've mentioned above. I admire the open-mindedness and pacifism of the Dalai Lama. I sometimes drag visitors to my hometown to a nearby Buddhist monastery, which features a 40-foot statue of Buddha surrounded by thousands of mini-Buddha statuettes. A porcelain Buddha smiles at me from atop a bookcase in my living room. I like to think he'd grok my take on the religion that he founded. Remember the old Zen aphorism: If you meet the Buddha in the road, kill him. Photo courtesy Wikimedia Commons. Inversion Essentials: Yoga Journal to GoRodney Yee's Yoga for Beginners
Get that long, lean yoga look while centering your mind and improving posture and fl exibility. Yoga masters Rodney Yee and Colleen Saidman demonstrate all the basic poses in a detailed 40-minute Pose Training session. Learn accurate alignment, technique and how to avoid the mistakes they see most often. Then, put those lessons into practice with two full-length workouts. The 20-minute Morning Workout will get your day off to a refreshing start, helping you awaken and energize. The 15-minute Evening Workout restores, relaxes and soothes. Choose full, in-depth guidance as you get familiar with the routine or opt for minimal conversation so you can take in the sights and sounds of beautiful Molokai, Hawaii. List Price: $ 14.98 Price: $ 6.48 | ||
New Yoga Studio Aims to Balance Spirituality, Exercise Posted: 03 Dec 2011 06:01 AM PST
Yoga for Stress Relief
In addition to her local classes Barbara teaches yoga seminars throughout the US and internationally. She is a regular contributor of articles to Yoga Journal magazine. She has several audio CDs of live classes available as well as DVDs, the latest being Yoga for Beginners released by Body + Soul magazine, and Yoga for Stress Relief that includes a discussion on meditation from the Dalai Lama. Barbara was kind enough to answer some questions from about this unique line of yoga DVDs.
I was drawn to working with Bodywisdommedia because they produce DVDs they are interactive. Rather than a "one size fits all" single routine that is typical of most products, these DVDs offer choice, allowing the user to customize and change their yoga practice to suit their needs. No two persons are the same so the ability to c! hange yo ur practice - easing shoulder tension one day and an invigorating morning wake up the next - come as close as possible to allowing you to address your individual needs at home. Not only do people have different physical needs, but they have different time constraints as well. If you have only 20 minutes, there is a practice for you but there are longer practices as well (some as long as 90 minutes) that address the total body/mind connection. The sheer number of yoga sequences offered on each of these DVDs is a first. They are incredibly comprehensive.
How were you able to get the Dalai Lama involved? This project dovetailed perfectly with the Dalai Lama's message that modern stress is one of the greatest obstacles to our mental happiness and physical wellbeing. Because we are long-time sincere practitioners, having a 30-minute lecture of the Dalai Lama teaching how to meditate on the Yoga for Stress Relief DVD was a perfect fit. Bodywisdommedia also has a broader relationship with the Office of Tibet and are releasing historic lectures with "A Path to Happiness" being the first one.
How will potential buyers of these DVDs know which one is right for them? The titles are very indicative of what appears on the DVD and therefore a good guide. I really enjoyed making Yoga for Stress Relief because it is incredibly relevant. We strove to make the sequences accessible to as many people as possible, whether they are a beginner or long time practitioner. Yoga for Beginners is a great, non-threatening place to get started and includes lots of sound technique developed over my 30 years as a yoga teacher. Power Yoga for Every Body is a bit more challenging taking you from the beginning level and gradually progressing to much more demanding routines. List Price: $ 19.99 Price: $ 7.94 | ||
Happiness inquiry reveals 'Blitz' spirit Posted: 03 Dec 2011 06:26 AM PST Jonathan Prynn and Mark Prigg An official inquiry into happiness in Britain has revealed a new "Blitz spirit" with a remarkably contented and calm nation getting on with life amid the gloomy headlines. The biggest survey yet of "wellbeing" found that around three quarters of people felt happy, were satisfied with their lives and found them worthwhile. Only about a quarter said they had high levels of stress. Happiness levels were highest among teenagers, drop dramatically during the middle "engine room" years of employment and child rearing, and peak again during early retirement between the ages of 65 and 74. The latest results came from monthly questioning of about 1,100 adults over the age of 16 between April and August when the news was dominated by economic turmoil in Europe and the riots in Britain's cities. However, superb spring weather and the royal wedding in April could have boosted contentedness during the first phase of the survey. Government statisticians and civil servants have been attempting to "capture" in numbers how the nation feels about life after David Cameron last year launched a �2 million quest for a "happiness index" which could be used to frame government policy. When asked how "satisfied" people were with their lives, 76 per cent gave a rating of seven out of 10 or more. One person in 12 gave a rating below five. On a question about whether their lives were "worthwhile" 78 per cent rated it a seven or higher. Just six per cent said their "worthwhile" rating was below five out of 10. Asked how happy they felt yesterday, 73 per cent gave a response of seven or above with 36 per cent giving nine or 10 out of 10. On the fourth question on how "anxious" they felt, 57 per cent rated their stress levels less than four out of 10 and the average was 3.4. Only 27 per cent had ratings of above five. When people were asked how satisfied they were with different aspects of their lives, the highest scores were for their children's well-being (8.7 out of 10), followed by "personal relationships" and "mental well-being" (8.3). The lowest scores were for "financial situation" (6.2) and "work situation (6.7). Christine Northam, a counsellor for Relate, said: "People are being more realistic about what makes you happy - your family, friends and relationships. There is a swing away from materialistic things. "The economic doom and gloom is so strong in the media that it may be there is almost a Blitz sprit, with people wanting to be strong and see it through. "People are very sensible, people do count their blessings, maybe this is a sign people are getting more grown up instead of worrying about their next expensive holiday." Your say: on a scale of one to 10, what's your 'smile' rating?8 Fahrah Gulam-Husein, 30, management consultant. "I have a lovely family and I am three months pregnant so really have nothing to complain about. I have lots of hope for the future as I have been married three years and my mum and sister are both very well. However, I do worry about money. My husband and I are anxious about how we will cope financially." 8 Lola Ogunkya, 22, studies management at University College London and lives on Liverpool Street. "I have no problems, I am very lucky as I have a job for when I graduate at KPMG. My family and friends are all healthy and I am very happy in my long-term relationship but I am worried about the economy." 5 Antony Newton, 25, an administration worker from Lewisham: "I was made redundant from my job and I have had to take a lower salary at my new job. I have also lost a lot of money on spread betting. My personal life is dead at the moment too." 5 Matthew White, 36, a carpenter from Streatham: "The state of the country is a shambles and it is affecting my profession dramatically. For people like me, we're having to work harder and work longer hours but without being paid any more. I am moving to Australia as soon as I can afford it." Guided Meditation - Deep RelaxationDeep Meditation - Pathway to Personal Freedom
List Price: $ 11.95 Price: $ 6.64 | ||
Posted: 03 Dec 2011 06:48 AM PST Mindfulness For DummiesA cutting-edge meditation therapy that uses self-control techniques, mindfulness has taken off across the globe as a way of overcoming negative thoughts and emotions and achieving a calmer, more focused state of mind. Written by a professional mindfulness trainer, this practical guide covers the key self-control techniques designed to help you achieve a more focused and contented state of mind, while maximizing the health benefits of mindfulness-from reducing stress, anxiety, and high blood pressure to overcoming depression and low self-esteem and battling chronic pain and insomnia.
Introducing you to a new and powerful form of meditation therapy, Mindfulness For Dummies outlines how to use it in your everyday life to achieve a new level of self-awareness and self-understanding and reap the long-term rewards of better health. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file. Note: The Kindle edition of this book does not include any CDs or DVDs. How to reduce stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, and even chronic pain-by refocusing your mindA cutting-edge meditation therapy that uses self-control techniques, mindfulness has taken off across the globe as a way of overcoming negative thoughts and emotions and achieving a calmer, more focused state of mind. Written by a professional mindfulness trainer, this practical guide covers the key self-control techniques designed to help you achieve a more focused and contented state of mind, while maximizing the health benefits of mindfulness-from reducing stress, anxiety, and high blood pressure to overcoming depression and low self-esteem and battling chronic pain and in! somnia.
Introducing you to a new and powerful form of meditation therapy, Mindfulness For Dummies outlines how to use it in your everyday life to achieve a new level of self-awareness and self-understanding and reap the long-term rewards of better health. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file. Note: The Kindle edition of this book does not include any CDs or DVDs. List Price: $ 24.99 Price: $ 24.99 | ||
Zen Meditation Allows A Person To Focus On Truth Posted: 03 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST Article by Mike Selvon There is quite a bit of talk these days in the media about meditation and spiritual enlightenment. Some might even think it is a rather trendy thing to "be into," yet it is doubtful that it will be one of those passing fads of the pop culture. The fact is that there are numerous methods of meditation, such as Zen meditation, that have been part of other cultures for generations, so it is not likely to be a passing craze, no matter how little Western culture truly understands it. There are numerous meditation techniques that people who are interested and want to learn to meditate can choose from. While all forms of mediation have some commonalities, the techniques do differ based on what part of the world and what culture the particular practice is rooted in. Zen meditation has developed out of Zen Buddhism. It is also known as Zazen and incorporates various seated positions, special breathing techniques and chakras. The discipline of Zen meditation is essentially focused on enabling the practitioner to live their daily lives in complete awareness of themselves and their surroundings. Through the practice of this meditation approach, people can escape from the "auto-pilot" existence that is so prevalent and which robs people of experiencing their lives fully. When people fall into the trap of operating primarily on automatic pilot, they rarely notice all of the things that are happening around them; even within their own minds and hearts. This certainly can interfere with a person's ability to be enlivened spiritually or to be on the path to spiritual development. Zen meditation can help to break the cycle of automatic living and help a person to engage more fully in their own life. Through Zen meditations, people experience each moment of a day directly and with awareness and responsiveness. They consciously practice being aware of everything that they encounter and try to enliven their senses by paying attention to everything that they might hear, see, smell, feel and ! taste. < /p> Another way of expressing this concept is by attempting to be completely and fully aware, while engaged in any activity, at any particular moment. Some people also call this, "living in the moment" or "living consciously." The idea is to "become at one" with whatever they are currently engaged in doing. Some examples of this would be: when eating, the practitioner is totally focused on the meal and their actions involved in eating; when they are engaged in a Zen mediation session, they stay concentrated on the reality of that moment and they do not allow their thoughts, their feelings, or their sensations to preoccupy or distract them; when they are engaged in work, they only work; when doing routine tasks such as brushing their teeth, they focus on that task and do not let their minds wander to think about other things. While the Zen practitioner does not have to be engaged in meditation all day, every day, regular meditation practice helps to calm, center and focus the mind so that the person is able to focus and retain keen awareness. The Zen practice recognizes that all thoughts are a natural and beneficial function of the human mind and that thought should not be ignored, rejected or stopped. Instead, the practice allows wandering thoughts to be acknowledged then set to the side, keeping the mind from being carried away by anxieties, worries, fears and other discursive notions. This method of meditation practice allows the person to enjoy a sense of liberation from the "pollution" of negative thoughts that can often cloud the mind and confuse thinking. Zen meditation helps to alleviate unnecessary suffering of the mind and allows the person to focus on truth, clarity and spiritual enlightenment. About the AuthorMike Selvon portal offers free articles on meditation. Find out more about the zen meditation, and leave a comment at the relaxation technique blog. An American Zen Buddhist Monastery - PT 1 | ||
Applying Yoga’s Practice of Mindfulness To Everyday Life Posted: 03 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST Article by Pamela Ravenwood Yoga is a practice that teaches many things, including that of: patience, strength and mindfulness. Mindfulness is a broad term, but when relating it to yoga and one's life, it generally comes down to being aware of yourself, and the your actions in the world that surrounds you. In realizing that how one acts or feels can effect the world around them, one can also understand that the energy within them is very important as well. In the movie, Like Water for Chocolate, it was learned that our energy is directed into everything that we touch, do and create. In the movie, the main character proceeds to cook a meal with a great feeling of sadness. When her guests then ate her meal, the guests too began to feel negative energy and sadness as well. In the reciprocal effect, the main character in the movie, Like Water for Chocolate, decided to cook another meal with an overwhelming appreciation for life, while also having fun and laughing. Using the exact same ingredients, but this time placing positive energy into what she was creating, this character made a meal that had all of her guests feeling alive and happy. The guests even believed the food (created with the same ingredients as her prior meal) tasted better from the positive energy she had cooked with. This mindfulness, a common sense strategy to pursing a life more full of laughter and happiness, can begin with the smallest of changes. For instance, making your bed in the morning, with grace and happiness for the day that awaits, can effect an entire house. Treating pets with kindness and love can make them feel better, in turn, making you more induced with positive energy. So, the next time you are in a yoga class, and it is explained to be aware of yourself and your movements in the world around you, you can now get a better idea of mindfulness within your heart and soul. Life is a masterpiece that we create each day. In inducing that masterpiece with love, life, joy and compassion, we can begin to feel the positive e! nergy ef fects return to our lives each and every day. About the AuthorFor more information about Korean culture and personal growth, as well as other information, visit Mindfulness in the Brain | ||
Yoga Video clips - Come across the Very best Yoga Movies For You Posted: 03 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST Article by Kelvin Hewitt There are also kid's yoga movies, if you want to get your children involved - this would be an exceptional alternative. Please preserve in brain to consult your medical professional in advance of starting up any form of excercise strategy (such as yoga).On the net Yoga Video clipsThere are also on-line yoga videos offered, if you know where to search - but the dilemma with these are you actually really don't want to get the job done on your yoga poses in your office. Yoga video clip libraries characteristic a lot of of the vital features of yoga this kind of as one.) breathing, 2.) workout routines (asanas or poses), and three.) meditation/leisure. Several yoga videos consist of potent yoga breathing workouts which can be utilized to balance out quite a few aspects of your daily life. They also element guided meditation, which will give you an great opportunity to discover accurate relaxation and pressure relief.Arms-On InstructionA lot of yoga movies offer hands-on instruction with internationally identified yoga instructors right in your personal residence. A lot of yoga videos mix techniques from various types of yoga. Really don't fret if you have difficulty acquiring a yoga video on a specific form - you may possibly do best to buy based on the teacher and if you feel her/his process and techniques are in synch with your private. For illustration, I started out training yoga many a long time back, but I was finding out from an individual who was a lot more intrigued in the good quality of the pose, than inobtaining to as a lot of poses as doable in a set period of time. When I went joined a class that was led by a unique instructor, it was a catastrophe, and I gave up.Video clipsNo matter if you classify Videos as yoga, yoga-inspired or as fitness video clips, they all usually have a real intention to impart very good well being in the stop. Rodney Yee's movies normally element amazing views (from Hawaii or equivalent places) and his voice is really soothing, you might find you get pleasure! from hi m as an teacher, or perhaps you desire a female instructor. I concur with you that practically nothing beats attending a yoga class, in particular as it getting an superb mastering place for newbies, on the other hand if you are just beginning out, you may well discover that yoga movies are the best way to get commenced with yoga and to start off a apply that can change your daily life. If you travel, you may well find that accessing yoga videos online frees you up to practiceeverywhere.There are a good number of videos obtainable, so how do you opt for the greatest yoga video for you. Consider your time and make guaranteed that the video is in sync with your very own fashion of yoga, and is not as well grueling, or much too mild. It may well get a though to uncover the great equilibrium.Yoga Videos1 Video these kinds of as Yoga Melt away features poses that ignite the body's inner furnace with rapid, aerobic-paced yoga moves that are intended to assist you melt away calories and to melt excess fat. An additional Video: Yoga Legs is geared more towards sculpting leaner, longer legs with dynamic poses that will challenge your equilibrium, your flexibility and your strength.Yoga AbsYoga Abs is a different preferred title. This video clip focuses on strengthening and shrinking your midsection employing core-focused yoga moves to define a trim, restricted tummy. Then there are videos like Yoga Loosen up, in which you concentrate on quieting your brain, and system with a series of light yoga stretches that rejuvenate and refresh your system. There is in all probability something for everyone intrigued in yoga in this Video. Produced and led by Rodney Yee the progressive Yoga Burn off exercise Video is far more physical than most. It combines transitionsamong crucial yoga moves/poses (asans) with resistance reps to support you gain power and convert extra fat into leaner muscle.Yoga for Pregnant MomsFor the pregnant Mom's out there, the complete duration Newborn All set Yoga Video will information you via a di! stinctiv e and soothing and strengthening workout with modifications for each trimester. There are also many other pregnancy in shape yoga workouts I not too long ago saw a person that is included with the Green Infant video and would classify it as excellent. About the AuthorKelvin Hewitt is an specialist writer who loves to compose about several diverse topics. From time to time he publish tips, tricks and suggestions on his internet site. Please check out him and see some of his function Yoga Video Yoga Class 40 - Tapas -Special Series Yamas and NiyamasTeaching Yoga: Essential Foundations and Techniques
Drawing on a wide spectrum of perspectives, and featuring more than 150 photographs and illustrations, the book covers fundamental topics of yoga philosophy and history, including a historical presentation of classical yoga literature: the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Sutras of Pataljali, and the main historical sources on tantra and early hatha yoga. Each of the eleven major styles of contemporary yoga is described, with a brief history of its development and the distinguishing elements of its teachings. Exploring traditional and modern aspects of anatomy and physiology, the book provides extensive support and tools for teaching 108 yoga poses (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation. Teaching Yoga offers practical advice for classroom setup, planning and sequencing classes, as well as the process involved in becoming a teacher and sustaining oneself in the profession. The book has over 200 bibliographic sources, a comprehensive index, and a useful appendix that lists associations, institutes, organizations, and professional resources for yoga teachers. List Price: $ 22.95 Price: $ 13.94 | ||
A peaceful mind is a medicine to the soul. Posted: 03 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST Article by Farid The human mind is formed to be peaceful. Therefore when it is troubled with all sorts of problems and stress, it gets confused and the person's total life style is affected. Scientists have stated that particular types of illness are mainly due to stress. Sometimes relaxation and rest alone cure ailment without any kind of medication. Read more Investering i solenergi In this sophisticated society, people are stressed out with all varieties of problems. People cannot find solutions for their difficult problems and they don't know where or whom to turn to for guidance and comfort. People are desperate, confused and worried. This leads to several kinds of mental as well as physical problems. The easiest and most suitable way to gain access to a peaceful mind is to get to an isolated place if possible which is tranquil and calm, and let the mind relax and get free of all the toxin of restlessness, worries and anxiety. Once the mind is calm and relaxed it must be quietly and gently allowed to absorb the peace and serenity from the environment. The human mind should be trained to eliminate all stress which works like poison to the soul, and creates destruction. The mind should be trained to be stress proof. In this planet, there isn't a place which is worry free. Moreover every human being have numerous problems related to daily life and every one should learn to handle these circumstance efficiently. Nothing should be allowed to disturb or trouble the mind. Stillness has vast power. Read more Svenske frimaerker Exterior circumstances should not be allowed to affect the mind. The inner peace should flow out through the mind and be able to serene down any disturbing and troubling issues. It is likewise important for a person to identity what troubles the mind and at what times. When one learns about the function of the mind, it is easy to maintain peace and also put a stop when any outside influence try to intrude and disturb this peace. Mental health lea! ds to ph ysical health. Thus it is very important that the mental health of a person is taken care of first. If a person is familiar with his or her own self, it would be so easy to detect when something unusual is going on and more significant it would be possible to identity what the problem is and the reason for the disturbance. Read more Frimaerkesamling Every person should understand what life is and what the individual's priorities are and put them in order first. About the 1hr Delta Binaural Beat Session (0.9hz) ~ Pure | ||
The Secret Behind Using Mind Control Tricks Posted: 03 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST Article by Greg Frost The tactics to control minds are several and unique. There are those that are used by magicians and there are also make-belief mind control tricks. With the advancing of technology, there have come the camera tricks strategies. These are exaggerated motions or images that are done by the camera to show that some impossible things are possible while these things are not possible in real life. These tricks are used to influence people with low esteem and lacking belief in themselves to be capable of achieving or rising to the occasion in the things they are being encouraged to do. The major types of mind control tricks include the open strategy. This is a plan that is obvious. The reasons that will lead you to choose the kind of prize you will take will be determined by some obvious reasons that can be read between the lines. Some of these tricks are used in gambling where you are made to believe that you are capable of beating the odds of the dealer and identifying the set requirements by the dealer. Another mind control tricks that are being used in modern times are propaganda. The advertisers come up with figures that are exaggerated to convince customers that their products are the best. They also look for some convincing thing like a fair skinned person if the product is a cosmetic or a healthy person if it is a food substance. With the company of convincing words, the minds of clients are bound to be convinced that these services are the best. In other times, mind control tricks are used for the purpose of entertainment and advertising. The ability to convince people will vary among individuals. The experience to be able to make others believe in you can sometimes be quite difficult. Read on to get more experience on how you can gain more experience in controlling the minds of other people. Hypnosis is the secret behind gaining control of people's minds. You should learn how to speak with all kinds of people. Communication skills with all ki! nds of p eople will make a lot of people rely on you on several things since you will be deemed as knowledgeable. This will allow you to suggest your opinion that will be implemented. Being humorous and incorporating some wise quotes in your mind is another favorite way of controlling people's brains. You should be able to identify the topics that certain individuals will identify with. Telling people of things that they like helps them to relax and listen to you. The sound is another mind control trick. Different sounds are associated with generating different kinds of brainwaves that will in turn determine the response of the subject. The kinds of noise and what they are associated with will make a person develop some kind of belief. For instance a howl of a wolf will create fear and panic in a person's mind. Relaxing music and certain modes of conversation will create a relaxed atmosphere to some people. Mind control ability requires a person to have absolute ability in manipulating other situations. About the AuthorClick Here to get your Free "Success Accelerator" Brainwave Cd today! Unleash your Mind Power potential to attain the lifestyle that you want. Go claim your Free Cd today! Change Your Thoughts and Change Your Life Part 1Meditation & Relaxation/De-Stress Body & MindList Price: $ 5.99 Price: $ 5.99 | ||
Posted: 03 Dec 2011 04:00 AM PST Article by Aazdak Alisimo The Japanese Zen gardens or Karesansui are some of the most beautiful and exotic gardens. The story of Zen Gardens goes back into the misty beginnings of Japanese culture. The Zen garden is also known as a Japanese rock garden or a Karesansui. These gardens are very simple and in most cases have very few actual plants. In many Zen gardens, there are no growing things at all. The gardens consist mainly of rock and sand. The word Karesansui translates as "dry water and mountain." The illusion of water is created by raking the sand into a rippling pattern that suggests the movement of water while the rocks are arranged to make islands or mountains. The history of Zen gardens goes back to as early as the 6th century in Japan. One of the most famous of the Japanese gardens contains 15 rocks arranged in a pattern on the rippling sand. Although most rock gardens are intended to be viewed from one specific location and perspective, this garden can be viewed from any angle. Regardless of the angle, only 14 of the 15 rocks can ever be seen at once. It is said that when spiritual enlightenment is reached, the invisible 15th rock would then be seen. This is an example of the Zen influence on these gardens. There are records of rock and sand gardens dating back to the reign of the Empress Suiko in 592 AD. Some evidence indicates that the art of rock gardens must have predated this period by quite some time as the earliest recorded gardens were already highly developed. In the early 700's, Zen Buddhism began to spread over Japan and the early Zen monks found the rock and sand gardens to be a perfect fit for the ideas of simplicity and harmony that marked their view of the universe. The development of the Karesansui gardens continued until the 13th century when they reached the form that they have kept into modern time. The gardens could be very small. Some simple Zen gardens were made to be held in the hand, while others were quite extensive. Many people saw the patterns of sand and roc! k as rep resenting the sea and the islands of Japan. Others saw deeper patterns that invoked deep subconscious images that produced the tranquility that was being sought. In 1935, an American author named Loraine Kuck coined the term Zen Garden in her book, "100 Gardens of Kyoto." The term became popular and eventually even made its way into the Japanese language. It is often used to represent several different styles of Japanese rock and sand gardens. The common feature, however, remains the simplicity and understatement that characterized the gardens of the early Zen monks. About the AuthorAazdak Alisimo writes about gardening subjects for, where you can find garden supply shops near you. Zen Buddhism Obama Hossjin-ji Bukkoku-Ji Takuhatsu Alms ... | ||
Early Morning Stress Reduction Inspiration - 12/3/2011 Posted: 03 Dec 2011 04:00 AM PST Ayurveda Music ~ Stress Reduction Meditation ~ Zen Garden | ||
Patenting Yoga - A Crime against Humanity Posted: 03 Dec 2011 03:00 AM PST Article by Sharlene Tamike What's next; will we need to pay a toll to meditate? How can it's morally correct to realize a US patent on a 5,000 year recent system founded in India? Who ought to have the correct to assert Yoga?What regarding the "cultural heritage of the Indian people?" It is obvious to see, Yoga is definitely half of the heritage of Indian culture.Most of us believe that the theft of intellectual property is wrong, however let us combine this wrong, with theft of someone else's cultural heritage for profit.In keeping with the Times of India, "The US Patent and Trademark workplace has reportedly issued 150 Yoga-connected copyrights, 134 trademarks on Yoga accessories, and 2,315 Yoga trademarks."So, the Indian government has organized a group to gather Sanskrit and Tamil texts, which will catalog Yogic techniques and Ayurvedic medication in multiple languages, to stop patents of Yoga and Ayurveda. This action would create information concerning Yoga, and Ayurveda, additional accessible to patent offices around the world.What can happen if firms purchase up every Yoga technique? It seems silly to think about, however would we tend to be obligated to pay royalties, or negotiate rights, to perform an Asana or Pranayama sequence?One Yoga teacher, Bikram Choudhary, copyrighted a 26 Yoga posture (Asana) sequence, which he claimed as his own. However, most "hot Yoga" lecturers, and hot Yoga studios, around the world, perform the same sequence, while not paying him a dime. How do you police an Asana sequence?Take into account this: If you purchase the patent to Brahmari Pranayama, how do you manage to stay track of who is performing it in every corner of the earth? The idea is ludicrous, and therefore the patent isn't extremely enforceable.Yoga could be a complex subject and a few individuals are still attempting to understand what Yoga is. Some people assume Yoga is exercise. I suppose you could patent an exercise, however it's never been a successful business strategy to patent an exercise.Every time you trademark ! an exerc ise, another person will label it as one thing similar, however not the same. You can't stop everyone in the world from doing push-ups because you got the trademark and patent.But, Yoga is not an exercise. Yoga is the unity of mental, physical, religious, and emotional health, for the advance of all mankind. Yoga may be a philosophy, a science, a health maintenance system, and the "Mother of all self-improvement systems." Yoga is simply too vast a topic to try to have it.The buying of Yoga patents may be a lesson in futility. Should we have a tendency to obtain patents for mantras, breathing, smart posture, and eating right? Those are valuable parts of Yoga, however one part of Yoga isn't all of Yoga. Yoga consists of many parts.Maharishi Patanjali wrote that Yoga consists of eight limbs in his Yoga Sutras. There are also several more "smaller limbs," and several designs of Yoga.Per Swami Ramdev, "Yoga can't be owned and run like a company. Since there are tries to patent this tradition (of Yoga) in America, the Centre and Yoga organizations should take measures to forestall it."He is not the only Guru who is disturbed by the patenting of Yoga. This is disturbing to every Yoga practitioner. Thus, what can the remainder folks do regarding it? We tend to will take action by writing, Emailing, and faxing our law makers.Stop the foolishness - Say, "No," to Yoga patents. About the AuthorSharlene Tamike has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in Yoga, you can also check out his latest website about:Braun Electric Toothbrush Which reviews and lists the bestBraun Toothbrush Heads 92 year-old Yoga masterGaiam Thirsty Yoga Towel (Smokey Purple)
About Gaiam Gaiam's goal is to become the trusted source and unifying brand for Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS) participants. They understand that the opportunity to affect people's lives with information and products is both a privilege and a responsibility. Gaiam believes in the concept of Conscious Commerce, the practice of making purchasing decisions based on personal values and beliefs. It takes into consideration all the aspects of our lives and the impact we have upon the planet. Research indicates this concept appeals to approximately 50 million people in the U.S. alone. Gaiam's strategy in delivering the distinctive quality for which they are known is to partner with experts in health/wellness, eco-living and personal development to develop proprietary products that meet our customers' ne! eds with meaningful solutions. The name GAIAM is a fusion of the words Gaia (the name of Mother Earth from the Minoan civilization in ancient Crete), and I am reminds us that we are all interconnected with the Earth, the air and water, and very much a part of this living system that sustains us all.
List Price: $ 24.98 Price: $ 19.98 | ||
Find your Inner Genius with Mind Photography Posted: 03 Dec 2011 02:00 AM PST Article by Gregory Hopkinnns In a world that is in a constant state of quick progression, it is natural to feel like you can just never keep up. The successful people you see and hear about seem to be some type of super smart geniuses, and you figure they must have just been born like that. Not true at all.Those people have just learned to develop and really use certain areas of their brains, that the majority of people never even touch. It's a well known fact that the average person uses only about 2% of the brain's ability. What if you could develop more than that? What if you had the right tools that made it easy?You can actually use mind development to train your brain to be more active. Not so different from your heart muscle or biceps, your brain is an organ and exercise is a great way to make it stronger, sharper and even learn new abilities. You need a fitness program for your mind!Mind Photography is one of the most useful, advantageous abilities that you can learn. If you have ever known anyone with 'photographic memory' then you have an idea how this works. Your mind is easily capable of absorbing and retaining a massive amount of input, in little more than a glance. Once you have the tools and training it will be you that people call a genius!What you can accomplish with brain training will truly amaze you. Mind photography adds advantages in so many areas of your life. You will read faster and retain more, and no more time spent searching for information you already read. Focus better and watch your production improve dramatically. Whether it is for work, family or even simply to improve your confidence level, giving yourself the opportunity to succeed is the first step to finding your real potential. It is within all of us to start utilizing what we already possess. About the AuthorIn all aspects, the ZOX Pro Training is the most complete program to bring out your genius. At a reasonable cost, you receive a comprehensive package that will teach you exactly how to tap into the parts of your brain to do things you never thought you could. After you learn to amaze yourself, you will find others calling you the 'genius'.For more information click the link below: Tulku Lama Lobsang on MindfulnessThe Mindfulness Code: Keys for Overcoming Stress, Anxiety, Fear, and Unhappiness
The price we pay for today's fast-paced, always-connected life is often stress, anxiety, and depression. While drawing on ancient wisdom, Donald Altman embraces twenty-first-century brain science to create practical, everyday strategies for experiencing a less-encumbered, less-entangled state of being. These techniques reactivate natural abilities you already possess. The four keys for unlocking mindfulness are the body, the mind, the spirit, and relationships. Altman presents practices for turning each key toward contentment, confidence, and joy, including shifting our mental and emotional perceptions, inhabiting the body and its "sense-abilities," exploring spiritual connection, and tapping into the healing powers of community and relationship. Inviting and accessible to those new to mindfulness but comprehensive enough for more experienced practitioners, these powerful tools will help you transform your life from the inside out. List Price: $ 16.95 Price: $ 4.36 | ||
Subconscious Mind Power – Five Things That Might Obstruct Posted: 03 Dec 2011 01:00 AM PST Article by John Stewart Subconscious mind power is a very powerful thing. It is a very useful thing. Hence you should keep a look out for thoughts and thought patterns which would affect it negatively and thus keep you from using this power. The mind beyond our conscious mind, the unconscious, or the subconscious, is vast and powerful and hence tapping your subconscious mind power is very helpful. Everything in the universe is connected through the collective consciousness. Your subconscious is the connection between your conscious mind and the rest. By controlling your mind and your thoughts you could achieve really wonderful results. But, tapping into this power or training your mind would also require avoiding certain things which would affect it negatively. 1. Ah! I Don't Think I Can Do It – There is a difference between constructive analysis of your negative qualities and the destructive habit of not believing in your self. Hence believe in your self, the strength of your mind, and your will. Your subconscious mind power will weaken or be negative if you entertain chronic self doubt. 2. The Glass is Half Empty – You would of course know the story of executives recruiting people who notice the richness rather than the lack. Concentrating on lack will only increase your lack. It will attract negative things to you. It would obstruct your subconscious mind power. And how would it not considering that it will affect your mind, your actions, and your whole being? Hence think of what you have and what you can do with it. 3. Now in Past, Now in Present – Any mystic would tell you that reminiscing or being sorry about your past or worrying about your future won't get you anywhere. Worry or guilt won't get you any where. Learn from the past and let it go. When you are doing something invest your whole mind in it. Be in the present. Subconscious mind power is the power of the Now. 4. I Want That Person Dead – Negative thoughts, destructive thoughts will do you no good. They only take aw! ay your subconscious' ability to help by blocking your subconscious mind power. Harmful thoughts, thoughts of vengeance, thoughts of hate poison your mind and decrease your energy. Avoid these as one would the plague. 5. I Don't Want to Be Alone – Don't be scared of aloneness. Being alone, taking your time out, and letting your mind relax, is a good thing. Not the relaxation you get by watching television or drinking. But the relaxation you get by going for a walk by the lake on your own or sitting in the patio and drinking in the sunset or the stars. These would bring peace to your mind and tap your subconscious mind power. Meditation is the best thing. You would have heard about harmful diet for your body. The above are harmful diet for your mind. In order to tap into your subconscious mind power you need to let go of the negative and embrace the positive. About the AuthorP.S. Find out more effective wealth creation and Subconscious Mind Power strategies like these that will help you become rich and create real wealth for life - sign up NOW for more insider secrets on"">Subconscious Mind Power at Millionaire Mindset Secrets for FREE. You'll discover more about personal and business success secrets, wealth building and SSubconscious Mind Power at for FREE. P.P.S. Make sure to grab a copy of the free "7 Secrets of Wealth Creation" eGuide. Just go to | ||
YOGA FITNESSS INSTRUCTORS IN LOS ANGELES AND BEVERLY HILLS Posted: 03 Dec 2011 12:00 AM PST Article by Pamella Louis Introduction to some forms of yogaYogais definitely, one of the most popular and sought out methods of losing body weight. Excess calories are burnt which are of no use.Yoga helps to strengthen the body muscles. There are different types of yoga that can be done. Traditional yoga is different from yoga fitness which helps in body slimming to a great extent.Yogafitness is different from ancient yoga. It concentrates mainly on the physical aspect rather than the psychological aspect, though both go hand in hand. Yoga fitness can be practiced a few times, a week rather than on a daily basis. It is tough to distinguish between the different types of yoga. For beginners, who are starting yoga practice, it is difficult to decide which type of yoga would benefit them the most. Given below are the different types ofyoga. They are: • Iyengar yoga: In this form of yoga, the focus is more on alignment and awareness. This usually starts with being aware of the body and later on spreads to the other parts as you practice it, more regularly. Beginners can join in Iyengar yoga classes. It is also useful for people who have back and neck pain.• Poweryoga: It is alternately also called Ashtanga yoga. Athletes practice power yoga as it improves their strength and stamina. More stress is laid upon pushes and lunges in this particular form ofyoga.• Bikram yoga: This yoga form is practiced in a very warm room as the heat helps the tissue to stretch.• Raja yoga: In this form ofyoga, intense concentration is needed. Emphasis is on meditation. • Bhakti yoga: This is also known as devotional yoga. Surrendering to god is the main focus of Bhakti yoga.• Mantrayoga: Powerful sounds such as Om, Ram, etc, are stressed upon and given due importance. The chanting of holy verses is the main objective. How does a yogateacher help you to be fit?Along with these forms of yoga, there are also other forms of yoga. Yoga instructor Los Angeles will teach you the different forms of yogaright from Bikramyoga to As! htanga y oga to Integral yoga. Yogainstructor Los Angeles is able to teach yoga in any part of the world. Los Angeles is a place of yogapractice, history, and culture. It is home to some of the finest yoga instructors in the country. There are various types of yoga that are taught in Los Angeles, but it is difficult to choose, the right one. Yogainstructor Beverly Hills conducts workshops, classes and seminars around the world to help people realize the true worth of yoga. Yoga instructor Beverly Hills transform people from the beginning of a yoga program to the end of it. Their ideas and thoughts undergo a complete change. Yogais a very popular form of exercise and includes meditation, fitness, health, etc. A yogainstructor will guide you and instruct you on the importance of practicing yoga, regularly. The magic of yogatruly enlightens us on the path of enlightenment. About the Author Pamella Louis is a contributor to, One of the best online store for yoga fitness guide and DVD at lowest prices. She has been writing articles on yoga instructor los angeles for many years. Power Yoga - Total Body Workout
Build strength from within. Rodney Yee guides you through a challenging sequence that creates detoxifying heat in your body and helps you build your inner strength,stamina and endurance. Beginner/intermediate. DVD. 75 minutes.Power yoga "demands your attention," says instructor Rodney Yee. He leads a challenging, constantly progressing series of poses, one flowing into the next, integrating breath, movement, tension, and relaxation. The poses include Sun Salutation, standing poses, forward bends, back bends, twists, and arm balances. The first poses are fairly easy, and with each repetition of the series, Yee adds on more difficult movements, extending the series without pausing. You're encouraged to do as much of the series that fits your level, up to the entire 65-minute workout if you're an experienced yoga practitioner. Although you can begin at any level, some familiarity with yoga is recommended. The Hawaiian setting is gorgeous and inspiring. This is an excellent yoga workout that you can grow with, adding on more as you get stronger. --Joan Price List Price: $ 14.98 Price: $ 6.94 | ||
The Five Faces Of Westner Yoga Posted: 02 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST Article by Everett Sizemore Yoga pertains to an entire group of spiritual and physical practices that date back as far as 3300 BC in India, an era in which anthropologists have uncovered statues depicting figures in yoga-like postures. As you can imagine, yoga's influence on the Western world in general and here in the United States in particular, has taken place in a veritable blink-of-an-eye when you look at the whole history of yoga. Nevertheless, there are a number of people from the past and present who have had a profound influence on the spread of yoga in the West, and probably few of greater significance than the five people listed below... #1 Rodney Yee Rodney's Yoga: Rodney Yee was once a gymnast, a ballet dancer, and a philosophy major. What do all of these things have in common? The helped him satisfy a deep hunger for knowledge and understanding of the human mind and body. This curiosity is what led him to begin learning, and eventually teaching, his own form of yoga. Rodney has appeared on several national morning shows, and daytime television talk shows like Oprah. He owns a major yoga studio in LA, and is probably THE most well known yoga personality in America, next to Bikram. #2 Bikram Choudhury Bikram's Yoga: Although he was born in India, Bikram began teaching his "hot yoga" classes in the California during the 1970s. This form of yoga, in which students perform mostly Hatha yoga poses in a heated room, may be the most popular type of yoga in the United States today. #3 Shiva Rea Shiva Rea's Yoga: Her name sounds Indian, but Shiva is actually an American-born yoga instructor, daughter of an artist/surfer. Shiva has released several award-winning yoga videos, and has traveled the world to appear at yoga retreats and international studios. Now a regular contributor for the Yoga Journal, Shiva has built a name for herself! as one of the best yoga teachers in the Western world. She is widely known for her cultivation of Vinyasa yoga techniques into her own style called Prana Flow. #4 Patricia Walden Patricia's Yoga: While many Western yoga teachers are drawn to the temptation of creating their own, unique style of yoga, branding it and watching it flourish, Patricia has remained dedicated to her Iyengar yoga roots for over 25 years. She has co-authored The Women's Book of Yoga and Health and starred in several award-winning yoga DVDs, including the best-selling Yoga for Beginners series. #5 Seane Corn Seane's Yoga: The extremely beautiful, talented and charismatic Seane Corn teaches Vinyasa yoga, and is the star of the hugely popular Vinyasa Flow Yoga DVD series. She has been featured on the cover of the Yoga Journal three times, and has also appeared on the covers of Natural Health, Fit yoga, Yoga Life and Healing Retreat and Spa Magazine. Many are drawn to Seane Corn's charisma and authentic messages of change and progress. She has worked with several political and social programs to bring changes to local and global communities, including a shelter that houses and educates adolescent prostitutes, and YouthAIDS. Born in New Jersey, Seane had her first yoga experience at the Life Cafe in the East Village area of New York. Have we left out your favorite yoga teacher? Opinions differ widely as to who has had the most influence over modern yoga. But there is no denying that the five yoga instructors above, whether you agree with their teachings or not, are have had a major impact on the way yoga is practiced and taught here in the U.S. and around the western world. About the AuthorEverett Sizemore is a freelance writer and contributor of content to health and fitness websites. He lives in Denver, CO and runs a fitness industry marketing website. Beginner's Yoga: 15-Minute Awakening Practice from Yoga Journal & Jason CrandellYoga For DummiesThe long-awaited update of the trusted yoga book A decade since its initial publication, Yoga For Dummies, 2nd Edition has been updated and revised to include coverage of the newest concepts and practices that have emerged in the yoga community over the past ten years. Still maintaining its emphasis on safe approaches to the physical practice of yoga, Yoga For Dummies, 2nd Edition breaks down the concepts and poses, making yoga easy-to-understand and easy-to-apply for everyone. Yoga has been bringing health and peace of mind to millions of people for five millennia-and it can do the same for you. Turn to Yoga For Dummies, 2nd Edition to find out how to unlock your body's extraordinary potential, while strengthening your mind as well.
Whether you're a beginner or a yoga guru, Yoga For Dummies, 2nd Edition gives you the tips and techniques you need to experience the health benefits of yoga as part of a complete wellness and exercise program.Yoga for Dummies proves that this 5,000-year-old Indian discipline can be all things to all people--the athlete striving for more-limber limbs, the stressed-out professional needing mental calm, peace, and clarity; the pregnant mom-to-be looking to keep herself toned and her emotions balanced, the spiritual seeker wanting to access the higher planes of consciousness. Georg Feuerstein, Ph.D., and Larry Payne, Ph.D., are internationally recognized yoga experts. After explaining how to prepare your body and mind for yoga--including warnings about how to practice safely--they jump straight into the postures (asanas! ), i nstructions for which make up the meat of book (relaxation, breathing, movement, sequencing, compensation, sitting). Feuerstein and Payne carefully and in great detail lead the reader through every step, although they do advise first-timers to supplement the book with actual classes until they have the basics down. Throughout the book, clear explanations accompany black-and-white photos and drawings. (Unfortunately, following the written instructions is hard enough when your feet are in the air or your head's down by your ankles, and the book would have been improved if the pictures always appeared on the same page as their instructions.) Readers then learn about tailoring a yoga program to their needs; using props; practicing "Yoga Throughout the Day"; incorporating yoga into sex, meditation, menopause, and pregnancy; using yoga to treat back problems and PMS; and practicing yoga with kids. The book also covers yogic ethics, philosophy, and resources. It's not all asanas and pranas, though--Yoga for Dummies is sprinkled with the humor characteristic of the For Dummies series (a section explaining that the ego is the ultimate source of stress is titled "Wherever ego, I go") and practical advice (the Forgiving Limbs maneuver allows you to bend your legs and arms a bit rather than try to fully extend them, so that you can perform postures you're not yet quite limber enough for). This is both an excellent beginner's guide and a good reference for more advanced yoginis who want a brush-up course. --Stefanie Durbin List Price: $ 19.99 Price: $ 8.93 | ||
Meditation CDs are great ways to concentrate for beginners of meditation Posted: 02 Dec 2011 09:00 PM PST Article by Jonsonmak Beginner meditation techniques are exclusively meant for the starters of meditation. Meditation is an extremely difficult thing to start, it might seem very easy to say, but it is quite an uphill task to concentrate the mind at something particular. For proper meditation, a serene and tranquil ambience is also highly desired. If a separate place is not available, you can use your own room for the same. Use various kinds of meditation CDs that are available in the market to create that perfect ambience. A soft music playing at the background helps in concentrating better. The meditation CDs usually have scientifically proved music that can calm the body and the mind better so that the mind can focus better on a particular thing. Soft, soothing music can also have the same impact on you. You can choose the beginner meditation music for yourself, whichever suits you best. Beginner meditation techniques prepare the person for advanced meditation. There are some small tips which can be very handy for beginners of meditation. Following these can help you to meditate better for a longer period of time. Some of the tips are as follows: Try and meditate in serene and tranquil environments. Choose a place that is open and is airy. A healthy surrounding is very essential for good meditation particularly for beginners. It will be very difficult to meditate if there is lot of sound and noise around you. The mind tends to get distracted with all these noises. You can burn sandalwood or lavender incense sticks and play some soothing meditation CDs to give a special feeling to the ambience. Relax before starting a meditation session. It is very difficult to meditate with a disturbed mind. If you plan to meditate after a rough fight or after an extremely heated up situation, you will find very difficult to concentrate. Relax your mind. If possible take a bath in lukewarm water, listen to some soft music or do things that make you happy. It is only then that you can meditate better. For people ! in begin ner meditation stage, meditation CDs playing binaural beats can be a very useful tool that helps in meditating. It is good to avoid eating heavily before starting a meditation session. After eating, you tend to feel lethargic and the urge to meditate disappears. The digestive system becomes very active after you consume food and the whole body seems to concentrate on that system for a while. Thus, there is a tendency of sleepiness after intake of heavy food. Again, meditating in empty stomach is also not good. If you are hungry and plan to meditate, the rumbling hunger in your stomach will not let you concentrate on anything, leave apart meditate. The first technique that is taught in beginner meditation is to focus on a thing. Many people use beads, some prefer candle light and some people choose various breathing exercises to focus one's mind. Meditation CDs with binaural beats, hemi syncs and other kinds of music can accompany these processes simultaneously. About the AuthorJonson Mak is a professor of medical science having interest on writing articles on medical science. For more information on meditation CDs or beginner meditation he recommend to visit site Meditation - Then and NowQuiet Mind: A Beginner's Guide to Meditation
• Sakyong Mipham on shamatha, the practice of tranquillity • Larry Rosenberg on vipassana, the practice of clear seeing • Edward Espe Brown on zazen, the practice of freedom • Sharon Salzberg on metta, the practice of lovingkindness • Judith Lief on tonglen, the practice of transformation • Tulku Thondup on healing the body and mind through meditation • Yoga teacher Richard Faulds on the link between yoga and meditation Includes a 78-minute CD. List Price: $ 14.00 Price: $ 7.74 | ||
Meditation for an Alpha Mind State Posted: 02 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST Article by Rachel Saxon Meditation for an Alpha Mind StateAlpha mind state comes in relation to meditation. Many alpha mind state materials on sale on the internet assist in beginning this form of meditation. The truth about the materials is that they put an individual in the alpha mind state where the subconscious takes over and helps the person meditate easily. This is a state of consciousness whereby an individual is both fully awake and aware of their surroundings, but yet fully asleep. One achieves this state of mind in a natural way when they fall asleep.Using different mediation skills and techniques very easily gets people into this state of mind as well as tranquility. What people mean when they talk about alpha meditation is that they have reached the alpha mind state via meditation. Different forms of meditation are used to acquire this state of mind, with some using binaural bangs and yet others meditating without any special recordings.How to reach the alpha mind stateGetting into the alpha mind state requires some practice. Going to sleep does not guarantee automatic trance, this requires practice and meditation, which makes the mind, relax more easily. The more one meditates the more they are prone to get into this state of mind relaxation. The brain operates in four frequencies, which people experience regularly. These are the measures in which the brains electrical output. Alpha brain waves occur where the brain is relaxed naturally, as one goes to sleep. The beta wave is what people experience on a day-to-day basis. Delta waves are experiences when people sleep deeply and without any kind of dreams, this is the comma state. While the theta brain waves are the ones that enhance imagination and creativity. We all experience these brain waves on a daily basis and we do not realize it.People easily reach the alpha mind state in meditation state during the day while they are performing different tasks like driving and one will suddenly realize that they have reached where they were going unawares. On the ot! her hand one might have a gut feeling that they are about to have an accident because they have not been concentrating on the road, nonetheless they always remain safe. What could have happened is that the subconscious mind understands the road very well out of frequent use, and in spite of a little wandering of the mind you are still able to get where you are going safely, in this case you are the autopilot of your own car.Other occurrences are when one is very busy cleaning or cooking or performing other household chores that require them to think. They realize that they have finished what they were doing without realizing it, while they were doing the tasks they were in the alpha mind state. About the Author Rachel Saxon writes for the psychic arena & recommends these professional spiritual websites psychics psychic reading online psychics psychic reading psychics online psychics great Irish psychic reading brand psychic reading great uk psychic reading brand psychic reading Also recommended Psychics psychic readings site psychics psychics psychics psychic readings psychic readings psychic readings psychic reading UK psychic readings sitePsychic reading UK psychic readings sitePsychic reading Australian callers click here psychic phone readingPsychic ReadingPsychic reading Psychic readingpsychic readings psychic reading psychic reading psychics psychic reading psychic readingPsychic Reading psychics psychic reading psychic reading great uk psychic reading brandpsychics Psychic Reading online psychics great uk psychic reading brandpsychic reading Psychic ReadingsPsychics popular uk medium readings company mediums psychic readings site psychic readings popular uk medium readings company mediums Australian callers click here psychic phone reading Super Strength Healing Yourself With Your Mind/Relaxation and Blood PressureList Price: $ 10.95 Price: $ 6.94 | ||
Buddhism of the Northern School Posted: 02 Dec 2011 07:00 PM PST Article by Arjanyai Under King Kanishda, a great Council, not recognized by the Theravada, was held in Kashmir or Jalandhar. It was regarded as the Third Council of the Mahayanists who did not accept the Third Council of Patฺaliputra, and as the Fourth Council of India. It was presided over by the learned monks Vasumitra and Parsva and attended by five hundred monks. At this Council, a new set of scriptures in Sanskrit was approved together with fundamental Mahayana principles. A great scholar named Asvaghosฺa, who was the spiritual adviser of the Emperor and who took a leading part in the Council, wrote many of the first Mahayana commentaries. He was also known as the greatest poet of India before Kalidasa. About half a century after him, Nagarjuna, a great Buddhist philosopher, founded the Madhyamika school of Mahayana. Nagarjuna was born in Andhra, the empire of the Satavahana kings in central India to the south of the Kushan Empire, which arose after the fall of the Mauryan Empire and prospered until the 8th century B.E. (3rd cent. C.E.). He was a friend of King Yajnasri, who ruled the empire from B.E.709 to 739, and flourished under his patronage. The Satavahana kings were patrons of Buddhism and spent large sums on the upkeep of great monasteries such as those at Sanchi, Amaravati and Nagarjunikonda and on Building schools, rest-houses, wells, tanks, bridges and ferryboats. In his capital at Purushpura, King Kanishka built a great Buddhist stupa, now ruined, measuring at the base 285 feet from side to side and 638 feet in height, which was regarded an one of the wonders of the world. Under his patronage, Sanskrit literature and the Gandhara school of art flourished. And through the influence of the Council, the works of the scholars and the encouragement of the royal patron, Mahayana Buddhism spread steadily through Central Asia to China and then to Korea and Japan, and became firmly established in these countries. By this time a Buddhist educational centre had been established at Nalanda! . Nagarj una also spent many years of his life there. During the Gupta period (B.E. 863-1010; 320-467 C.E.) it grew both in size and in importance till it became the great university of Nalanda where 3,000-10,000 monks (and laymen) lived, teaching and studying, at a time, and where various subjects were taught such as Buddhism, logic, philosophy, law, medicine, philology, grammar, Yoga, alchemy and astrology. Nalanda was supported by kings of several dynasties and served as the great international centre of learning until it was destroyed by the Turks in about 1750 B.E. (c. 1200 C.E.). The classical Buddhist paintings in 29 caves excavated in the rock at Ajanta (about 250 miles northeast of Bombay), which dated from about B.E.350 (about 150 B.C.), also attained their maturity during the Gupta period. Around this time also (in the 9th century B.E.; 4th century C.E.), Asanga and Vasubandhu, the two brothers, founded the Yogacara school of thought. As the doctrine of Sunyavada of the Madhyamikas is proclaimed in their chief work of the Prajiiaparamitas, so is the doctrine of Vijdanฺavada of the Yogacara taught in the Lankavatarasutra. These two systems of the Mahayana were influential in shaping the Buddhism of China, Korea, Japan and Tibet. Around the year 944 B.E. (401 C.E.) Kumarajiva, the greatest of the Mahayana translators, was brought from Central Asia to China as a captive of war. After some time he was welcomed to the Chinese court at Ch'ang-an. With the aid of his Chinese disciples, Kumarajiva translated a vast number of Sanskrit texts including Nagarjuna's works into Chinese. His translations remained for centuries standard works in Chinese and he was honoured by the Buddhists of China as the most trustworthy authority on the Buddhist doctrine. It was he who made Buddhism popular in China and who laid the foundation for the conversion of eastern Asia into a Mahayana land. After him, other scholars, both Chinese and foreign, translated the Yogacara texts and made them widely known in China. Bet ween 944 and 953 (401-410 C.E.), a Chinese pilgrim, Fa-Hsien, who was a disciple of Kumarajiva, visited India in search of Buddhist sacred books. He wrote about the conditions in the reign of Chandragupta II, showing that Indian society had advanced greatly under the influence of Buddhism. The people were happy and prosperous. In comparison with the Roman empire and China, India was probably the most civilized region at that time. The account of Fa-Hsien's travels is one of the chief sources of Indian and Buddhist history of that period. About a quarter of a century after Fa-Hsien's visit to Java on his way back to China, an Indian monk called Gunฺavarman also visited this island. He succeeded in converting the Queen Mother to Buddhism. Then the king and the people also adopted the religion. After this, Gunฺavarman was invited by the Chinese Emperor to visit China. There the monk spread the teachings of "The Lotus of the Wonderful Law," and founded an order of nuns. In B.E. 1069 (526 C.E.), the Indian monk Bodhidharma went to China and was invited to the imperial court at Lo-yang or Nanking. There he founded the Ch'an sect or Contemplative Buddhism, which in a few centuries spread all over China and about six centuries later became established in Japan as Zen Buddhism. About the AuthorPhoto slide Slideshow Love! Zen Buddhism (Some Thoughts)Buddhism Plain and SimpleList Price: $ 12.00 Price: $ 6.69 | ||
Meditation (Deep breathing) processes for newbies Posted: 02 Dec 2011 06:00 PM PST Article by Smartbzs Meditation (Deep breathing) has often received a bad hip hop. Individuals sometimes think of meditation because some type of severe behavior. Really Meditation has become becoming popular. Numerous physicians, scientists as well as therapists know how Meditation helps people overcome panic and anxiety and helps to create a more well balanced life. Meditation is not hard to learn. To begin meditation begins with managed inhaling and exhaling. This technique will also be used to assist you to calm down and lower stress throughout circumstances of higher anxiousness. There are numerous meditation techniques for newbies that you could discover. It is important to understand meditation before you begin to undertake it. Meditation is not a hypnotic condition. You'll always be fully conscious of your surroundings while meditating and it is completely safe to do. During the meditative state a person will end up being relaxing as well as soothing the mind and body however, you will still be in total control. There is no need to worry that you simply received will be able to come back from the meditative state. Begin your very first meditation Start meditation through setting aside twenty in orders to half an hour. Look for a location in order to study. The location ought to be quiet and calm. You will need to be uninterrupted for the duration of your own deep breathing without any distractions. The area should be comfortable so that you are not considering it. Many people make use of a trance-like pose that's commonly associated with meditation. Seated mix-legged on the ground is a simple pose employed for meditation. Nevertheless, you may sit or even lay out in a placement that's comfy to you. The main thing to keep in mind when selecting a situation is to discover pose that will be comfortable for you for that entire session. As you get ready for Meditation you'll need to produce some individual room that is free from any technologies or even additional distractions.! Through out the deep breathing session you will be watching television, hearing music or texting. You'll merely be using your own mind to stay relaxed as well as relaxed. Deep breathing works the best once young done it several or more occasions. As you learn how to take control of your thought process you'll Be able to reach the meditative condition more easily. Most people have trouble achieving this particular state during the very first a number of attempts so doesn't worry in the event that meditation appears to elude you. It will take a few practices to create your brain to this clear state. To start your own meditation sits comfortably in your Meditation room. Near your vision and begin controlled breathing methods. Consider sluggish deliberate breaths in and out in a rhythmic pattern. Then you can begin to obvious the mind. The actual goal is to stop just about all thoughts except the ones from the Meditation itself. Many people like to repeat one word again and again to help clear the mind. An additional technique that's helpful for those who only begin deep breathing is to use led relaxation techniques. Guided relaxation techniques are pre-recorded relaxation techniques that you will listen to as well as adhere to along. You might want to guide yourself though deep breathing. You can do this by talking yourself with the rest process through your whole entire body. This prevents your own focus where this belongs as well as doesn't permit the mind in order to wander. If you find that the mind will begin to wander during meditation you'll all need to take it back in concentrate? It is normal for that untrained mind to jump to a lot of other thoughts as it is not really used to calm relaxation. Every time the mind thinks of another thing take it to focus on the meditation. Focusing on your own inhaling and exhaling is an excellent method to help keep the mind obvious. Meditation gets easier and easier to do the greater you're doing so. As you train your brain to relax it will! easily simplify the actual meditation process. Continue to exercise meditation even if you don't really feel its complete results. Quickly it is possible in order to really feel complete relaxation as well as relaxed via meditation. Put aside time every week in order to meditate. Meditation will help to help you stay focused as well as concentrated and will produce a relaxed as well as peaceful life. About the Author If you like this article and want to read more aboutMeditation For Beginners Then please visit our website here: Meditation For Beginners. Sacred MeditationMeditation: How to Reduce Stress, Get Healthy, and Find Your Happiness in Just 15 Minutes a Day.
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Posted: 02 Dec 2011 04:00 PM PST Article by Art Gib We all need to unwind at times, take off the pressure from work and life and find a little time to ourselves. I enjoy doing pottery as my means of relaxation. For years I scrap booked or read, but the need to produce things that don't need to be redone is overriding with me so product oriented means of relaxing are more enticing than simple watching television. Everyone does it differently, the day isn't complete for my husband unless he has watched at least a sit com for a half an hour. He usually falls asleep during it, but it is enough to shut off the brain from a long day and let his mind wander enough that he can sleep. A hot tup or aquatic tub is a wonderful way to relax, not only for adults but also for children if the water isn't too hot. We have an autistic son that has a really hard time relaxing enough to let his body go to sleep, he is up all hours of the night, trying to unwind. A hot tub helps tremendously with anxiety and fatigue allowing the body and mind to slow down. I hear him in his room talking to himself until after midnight most nights. We just got back from a family vacation where they had a hot tub in the motel, he slept like a baby. What a great discovery. It doesn't matter how you relax, kids do well being read to, after a warm bath or shower, routine helps their minds relax and the same is true for adults; television, reading, scrap booking, pottery, quilting, hand work, fixing something anything enjoyable at the end of the day or if time doesn't allow, at least at the end of the week, on weekends to bring enjoyment, fulfillment and joy to a harried and often stressful work week. About the AuthorWhirlpool Bath Net ( providing the highest quality luxury whirlpool bath tub, handicapped bath tub, walk in tub, bath safety tubs, aquatic tub and claw foot bath tubs to home owners. Yoga For RelaxationRelaxation Magic - Hypnosis, Meditation, VisualizationList Price: $ 7.95 Price: $ 7.95 | ||
Fish in Diet May Ward Off Alzheimer's Posted: 03 Dec 2011 06:15 AM PST
Eating fish may keep the brain healthy and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease, a new study says. In the study, people who ate baked or broiled fish at least once a week had larger volumes of gray matter in areas of the brain known to be involved in memory and learning. Moreover, people with larger volumes in these areas reduced the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease five-fold over a five year period. People who ate fried fish, on the other hand, did not gain protection against Alzheimer's. The findings suggest lifestyle choices can ward off Alzheimer's disease, said study researcher Dr. Cyrus Raji, of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. While other research has linked fish consumption to a lower risk of Alzheimer's disease, the study is the first to examine the effect of eating fish on the actual structure of the brain, Raji said. The study was presented today (Nov. 30) at the Radiological Society of North America annual meeting in Chicago. Gray matter boost The study involved 260 people who answered questions about their weekly fish consumption, and then had their brains scanned using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 10 years later. People with greater volumes of gray matter in brain areas called the hippocampus, posterior cingulated and orbital frontal cortex were less likely than others to have Alzheimer's disease or a type of impaired thinking know as mild cognitive impairment. The link held even after the researchers took into account factors that could affect a person's risk for Alzheimer's, including participants' age, gender and physical activity. Gray matter is important for the brain's ability to function, and decreases in gray matter volume indicate the brain is shrinking, Raji said. Good for the brain Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which may benefit the brain and protect against Alzheimer's disease, Raji said. Omega-3s improve blood flow to the brain, which in turn delivers more oxygen and nutrients to brain cells. In addition, omega-3s reduce inflammation in the brain, and can protect against the buildup of the amyloid plaques thought to be the cause of Alzheimer's disease, Raji said. It's possible lifestyle factors other than those accounted for in this study, including socio-economic factors, contributed to the lowered Alzheimer's disease risk seen among some people in the study, the researchers said. In a recent report, the National Institutes of Health reviewed data on risk factors for Alzheimer's disease, and concluded that the evidence available now is insufficient to say that any modifiable risk factor, such as diet, influences the development of Alzheimer's disease. More research is needed to validate the results, according to the study. Pass it on: Consumption of baked or broiled fish may protect against Alzheimer's disease. | ||
Posted: 02 Dec 2011 03:00 PM PST Article by Allen Radke It's a huge planet in which we occupy so when we glance at it in the breadth of the universe, the planet that we find so big is merely a speck of dust once we were to observe it from the opposite side of the galaxy. Nonetheless, every last living thing contained in our planet and in this universe all have reason and significance. It would be foolish for any of us to genuinely think that we as humans are the only ones that have any on this planet. This couldn't be more mistaken. This is something that could possibly be difficult to understand. The actual fact is that all living creatures from the tiniest of microscopic existence to ourselves comprise this cosmic place in which we dwell in. On the subject of our spirituality, it can help us to recognize that we all share area with all of creation and that it is vital that we attempt our very best to appreciate all that nature provides us. We can't go through life dismissing the reality that if we don't fine tune our sensibilities to all the things around us we will find it hard to find harmony and serenity in our lives. If you are searching for a way to generate some internal peace into your life, you could start by sitting down anywhere you can observe nature close to you. This might be in a small spot of your garden or backyard, or you might take some time out and visit your nearby park. You might even take off a few days and venture even further out and try spending some time with the critters in the wild in a forest or a coastal shore. Where ever it is, spend some time to simply focus on what nature has to say to you and don't try to control your position. The greater the time you commit with mother nature and allow her to guide your emotions the simpler it is for you to understand how we are merely one part of the entirety of creation. We're no more valuable than the bird singing in the forest or perhaps the butterfly hovering from a single flower to the next. All of us must interact with each other harmoniously to ensure any of th! is to op erate. This is why we notice a great number of things going wrong in the wild, it's the fact that we've overlooked that we all are a component of one comprehensive part known as the Universe. A person is a portion of the whole, referred to as the Universe, a significant part restricted in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as some thing separated from the rest-a form of optical misconception of his consciousness. This misconception is a type of prison, constraining us to our personal desires and to closeness for a couple persons nearest to us. This task must be to free from this jail by widening our circle of compassion to accept all living creatures and the entire nature with its magnificence. In order for our spirituality to develop, we should discover how to get out of our human prisons and reopen our hearts to the songs of the natural world and discover how to embrace all creatures within our lives, all deserving with respect and sympathy. About the AuthorAllen Radke is an author and loves to write about spirituality topics. He has published a spiritual quotes site at Spiritual Quotes 7/10 SMiles Lewis at the Austin Center for Spiritual Living 10/25/2011: UFOs and ConsciousnessGet It In Your Soul's Scripture Scarf - Pashmina Prayer Scarf with 135 Bible Verses for the Names of God in Black
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