Sharon Salzberg, Guy Armstrong, and Sally Armstrong to lead meditation retreat for scientists and educators

Sharon Salzberg, Guy Armstrong, and Sally Armstrong to lead meditation retreat for scientists and educators

Sharon Salzberg, Guy Armstrong, and Sally Armstrong to lead meditation retreat for scientists and educators

Posted: 18 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST

The Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts, has announced a new retreat offering, an "Insight Meditation Retreat for Scientists and Educators." The retreat will take place from March 16-23 of this year and will be taught by Sharon Salzberg, Guy Armstrong, and Sally Armstrong.

In the company of researchers, educators, therapists, and others involved in the broad areas of the mind and social sciences, participants will have an opportunity to cultivate the qualities of wisdom and compassion, through in-depth instruction in mindfulness practice. The retreat will be suitable for both beginning and experienced meditators, and 22 CEs are available for Psychologists and Licensed Mental Health Counselors. Click here for more information and to register.

(And if you're interested in this retreat, you won't want to miss our feature story "The New Science of Mind," coming in the next (March 2012) Shambhala Sun magazine, available in about two weeks.)

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Lama Gyurme Chanting

Website: Blog: Lama Gyurme & Jean-Philippe rykiel - Offering chant Album - Rain of Blessings: Varja Chants

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A monk’s campaign for vegetarianism and compassion toward animals

Posted: 18 Jan 2012 07:00 AM PST

Ven. Geshe Thupten Phelgye has been campaigning for vegetarianism and the compassionate treatment of animals since he was a teenager. The Geshe recently stopped by Animal Place Sanctuary in Grass Valley, California to offer a blessing to the land and animals there; dozens of people came to witness the event. Established in 1989, the 600-acre Animal Place Sanctuary is home to animals that were victims of cruelty and neglect, specializing in rescue and adoption.

He addressed the group after with a message:

"These little animals have their life," Phelgye said. "…Life is precious for them. Just try to refrain from causing more harm or being a part of taking their lives. It is the very first step to put into practice."

In an article for, Phelgye explains how he first developed his passion for vegetarianism when running an errand as a child for a senior monk to a slaughterhouse.

"I saw the whole process; it was unacceptable, very painful to watch them. I see the animals being killed, everything from beginning to end. I felt so helpless watching things that went on.

"This is how I took it as a mission. I made a commitment before these dying animals that I would be their voice, I had to do something about this."

Phelgye is the founder of the charitable trust known as the Universal Compassion Movement and is a member of the Parliament of the Central Tibetan Administration.

Related content: Dharma Voices for Animals

Photo courtesy of

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Om Mani Padme Hum

Om Mani Padme Hum. The song is called Lotus Sunset by Sakya Tashi Ling from the album The Buddhist Monks. Enjoy! HQ: Please refrain from any negative comments, thank you. By this merit may all attain omniscience, May it defeat the enemy, wrongdoing, Through the stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness and death, From the ocean of samsara, may I free all beings. By the confidence of the golden sun of the great east, May the lotus garden of the Rigden's wisdom bloom. May the dark ignorance of sentient beings be dispelled. May all beings enjoy profound brilliant glory. Note: None of the photographs were taken by me, all credits go to each individual photographer, etc. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to message me. Leave a comment if you like it!

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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24 hour protest of SOPA/PIPA

Posted: 17 Jan 2012 07:00 PM PST

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The Life of Buddha: (BBC): 5/5 Videos about ancient civilizations and more.Ziggu Feel free! And welcome ----------------------------- Over 2500 years ago, one man showed the world a way to enlightenment. This beautifully produced Buddhist film meticulously reveals the fascinating story of Prince Siddhartha and the spiritual transformation that turned him into the Buddha

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Transforming the Inner Critic

Posted: 17 Jan 2012 06:00 PM PST

Great Vow Zen Monastery

Left to its own devices the Inner Critic has the potential to destroy relationships, turn our naturally bright mind toward depression, sap our physical energy and undermine our spiritual practice.

Yet the Inner Critic is not the enemy. It is the wisdom of discernment, gone too long unchecked, and out of balance with the rest of the system.

During this workshop we will use Buddhist and psychological teachings to see this voice more clearly. There will be guided meditations, group discussions and interactive exercises. We will learn tools to help transform our relationship to the Inner Critic, bringing it back into balance without losing its discriminating wisdom.

Price: $ 150 ($ 120 members, $ 75 reduced rate) + dana

Inner Critic

Great Vow Zen Monastery
79640 Quincy-Mayger Rd.
Clatskanie, OR 97016

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Introduction to Zen Meditation: The Still Point

Zazen is a particular kind of meditation, unique to Zen, that functions centrally as the very heart of the practice. In fact, Zen Buddhists are generally known as the "meditation Buddhists." Basically, zazen is the study of the self.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Stopping To Be Still - #still4amo

Posted: 17 Jan 2012 03:00 PM PST

Armchair style bench
A brisk sunny afternoon bench

Walking along the street yesterday I spotted a group of youngsters eating their lunch on a bench beside the road. Much tweeting and rustling going on as well as laughter. There is nothing like sitting on a long bench with friends, perhaps with a bag of chips to warm ones hands. Memories of sitting on a park bench beside Derwent Water in the Lake District. Vegi Pasties I seem to remember, with hot tea to wash it down with. It was a grand monks day outing!

Park benches can be a great place to take a moment to be still, to regroup, settle and then move on. There is always a place to sit however making the time to do that is not so easy. Deciding to stop at a bench, or wall, to sit4amo while on a mission is a huge ask of oneself. Walking has a momentum, missions have a press to complete, arriving on time is important.

I'm finding the pre-arrangement to sit at 5.00 pm each day this month a great help. I know that I am committed to stop then and even if it's just one minute that's fine. The momentum of activity and the press to finish a task are eclipsed by my greater intention to simply stop.

See Meditation Mantra - #still4amo for background information.

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