The Shambhala Sun is sharing weekly selections from Shambhala Publications' Under 35 Project, which collects writings from younger Buddhist practitioners. The project's theme for the month of June is social action, and this week, we're sharing this video from author and teacher Michael Stone, about how we can bring our practice to life by engaging more fully with the world around us.
To see the rest of our Under 35 Project posts, click here. And to learn how you can get involved, visit the project's website. June's theme is social action; submit your work here.
Photo by Diamond Mountain via Flickr, using a CC-BY license
An April death at Diamond Mountain Retreat Center in Bowie, Arizona, has become national news. Thirty-eight-year-old Ian Thorson was found dead in a nearby cave at an elevation of 6,000 feet, the victim of apparent dehydration. Thorson was the husband of Lama Christie McNally, a former partner of the controversial Diamond Mountain spiritual leader Geshe Michael Roach and coleader of his community. McNally, too, was suffering from dehydration when authorities found her.
Read more in this article by Fernanda Santos in the New York Times.
Didgeridoo and Tibetan Singing Bowl - Music for Deep Meditation
Full Album available for download at iTunes and, simply search for Music For Deep Meditation. Honored by the Aboriginal people of Australia for thousands of years, the pure vibrations of the Didgeridoo create a soothing tapestry of sounds that stills the mind and invigorates your whole being. The didgeridoo is played by the venerable Abasi Ote, an artist with a long life passion of healing and uplifting his audience through the power of sound. We invite you to explore each release by Music for Deep Meditation. Every album is executed with the utmost integrity and purity of sound, thus creating vehicles that are truly conducive for meditation and deep relaxation. Video concept by Jeffrey Main - Produced by Vidura Barrios and Jeffrey Main Photography and graphic designs by Jeffrey Main Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Nepal has been embroiled in a constitutional crisis since last month, when the legislature missed its fourth deadline to draft a new constitution. In response, the prime minister dissolved the legislature and scheduled national elections for November. This op-ed in the New York Times,written by two experts on the region, says that while dismissing the assembly avoided immediate disaster and violence, the elections are unlikely to bring about a stable long-term government in the impoverished nation. The piece explains the political crises that Nepal has faced for over twenty years, and it's worth a read.
For more information, the Times' Nepal page collects all its stories about the country.
AKKEZDET PHIAI - Zenebuddhizmus | official high quality video |
Hungarian underground hiphop group Akkezdet Phiai's (AKPH) first official video ever! Track is called Zenebuddhizmus (a wordplay for zen buddhizm - "zene" means "music" in Hungarian, thus the phrase becomes "music-buddhism"), it is the first single off the highly anticipated second album from AKPH which dropped 04/04 2009.Much luv for the supporters and the whole crew (RedBull and Proud) The main character is played by Kristóf Horváth, the video was directed by Andor Lengyel. The track was recorded at Pannonia Studio, Budapest, Hungary, mastering by Balázs Róbert. The beat was made by Saiid, and lyrics are as follows: lyrics: Újonc: Harminc év az pont jó! Olyan szexi, mer' tripla-X! Porból lettünk és pornó, a sok túlélés, mi sírbavisz. Az élet full színpompa, de semmit sem ér kb., ha az EKG-m szinkópa,mikor beverek négy kávét két rummal szinkronba. Eltelik még pár év, kihagy a szívpumpa, s reppre hogy kérsz táppénzt? Akkorára kövérdem, hogy nem elég a köbméterem, olyan szar a közérzetem, hogy nem megyek le közértbe sem. Meddő fohászomra mi felel: égi kuss, már csak kortárs forma, ha a vers elégikus. Te is bűnös vagy kartárs; már annyi a karmád, hogy nincs hova inkarnáld. Túl sok volt az előzőbe, most meg itthagynád a csomagmegőrzőbe? Lehetsz zsidó, goj, arab, együtt folyik el vizünk: szárazföldön gályarab, egy cipőben evezünk. Drágám, a koporsóra nem kell piros rózsa, csak szólj muternak legyen gondja egy csokor mikrofonra! Majd mindenki belebőg, tele sír-verselve egy kis ...Video Rating: 4 / 5
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His Eminence Tsikey Chokling Rinpoche will be giving "a variety of precious teachings and empowerments" in the United States, Mexico, Denmark, England, and Austria this coming summer. The full schedule is now online here.
Chokling Rinpoche is the Vajra King at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery, one of the largest monasteries in Kathmandu, Nepal. As Vajra King, he presides over all Vajrayana ceremonial rituals for the living and the dead, bestows initiations, and offers dharma teachings.
This song always makes me HAPPY =) From the CD "Peace Of Rythm" U can download the track here: Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Millions of people have revolutionized their lives through this dynamic Buddhist practice. It is a living, dynamic Buddhism. The ultimate teaching of all Buddhas, of the past, present and future, is Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. This teaching is the core and heart of all wisdom in the universe. It enables the ordinary human being to look within in order to seek the wisdom and inspiration to solve all life's problems. The teaching is based on chanting Nam Myoho Range Kyo to the Mystical Mandala, or Gohonzon, inscribed by the Buddha, Nichiren Dai Shonin in his highest state of enlightenment. Chanting to The Gohonzon, enables us to polish our life and see the Buddha state within. As we develop our practice, all life around us seeks to support and nurture us, and our lives change for the better with meaningful coincidences. We begin to understand that we are part of an interconnected web of meaningful, enfolding and compassionate existence. Obstacles become fuel for growth and transformation, and all illnesses can be overcome. This teaching is about life, existence, reality, and compassion. It is the culmination of the lineage of wisdom and teachings, begun by Shakymuni Buddha 2500 years ago. The ultimate reality is a loving compassionate reality made of the light of consciousness from which all the universe manifests as a creative field of essence. As ...Video Rating: 4 / 5
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ABC News reports today that "Chinese authorities alerted foreign travel agencies Tuesday that they would no longer be issuing entry permits to Tibet, the latest in a series of regulations being put on travelers to Tibet. The announcement follows the self-immolation of two Tibetans last week."
We're All Children of Abraham by Karen Robertson,, copyright 2010 Karen Robertson, from the album "Gloryborn" at Vocalist, Sean Gasaway, Gasaway Music. Instrumentals and backup vocals, Mike Caro and Chris Manasia, Engineer: John Bass, Arctic Sound Studios. Photos from, Creative Commons Attribution License. Photo credits from Flickr: DSC01325 by aNantaB, Cameroon Children by hoyasmeg, Iraqi Children Sit in Their Classroom by simminch, Children with Backpacks by, Pose for Me by BEST PHOTO, Best Buds by evanosherow, Ethiopia by babasteve, Torah by Laurie Cate, Israel by Dainis Matisons, DSC01482 by aNantaB, Sculptures at Chartres by genibee, Melhisedek & Abraham by akk_rus, vishal dutta 01 by vishal dutta, Free Four Teens Jumping by Pink Sherbert Photography, D Sharon Pruitt, original owner, JUMP by laurenatclemson, Mother and Children by kanjiroushi, Mother's Day II by edenpictures, Malawi by gurg, I Love to Laugh by QualityFrog, Skydiving Dec 2009 by divemasterking2000, Kids Play Skiprope by mikebaird, Baggage Handlers by pthread1981, Upward Basketball by johntrainor, Tibetan Buddhist Monk by Robert Thomson, Backflips by NFGman, Youth-oriented Community Relations Project by UNC-CFC-USFK (three photos), Human pyramid by stace.lambe, Human Pyramid by meg and rahul, Three Generations by marcalandavis, Three Generations by extranoise, The Get Ready for Bed Hug by kainr, Group Hug by CarbonNYC, IMG_2051 ...Video Rating: 4 / 5
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ABC News reports today that "Chinese authorities alerted foreign travel agencies Tuesday that they would no longer be issuing entry permits to Tibet, the latest in a series of regulations being put on travelers to Tibet. The announcement follows the self-immolation of two Tibetans last week."
Yantra Yoga is one of the oldest recorded systems of yoga in the world. It originated in Tibet, a land that holds a vast, rich Buddhist knowledge and heritage. Yantra Yoga's unique series of positions and movements, combined with conscious breathing, can help coordinate and harmonize one's personal energy so that the mind can relax and find its authentic balance. This is a superb method to attain optimal health, relaxation, and harmony through the coordination of breath and movement.
In this workshop, senior Yantra Yoga instructor Fabio Andrico will help participants discover the real essence of Yantra Yoga by clarifying its rich theory and practice. Andrico will begin by demonstrating techniques that will help participants discover the experience of naturally relaxed, complete breathing. Using this fundamental experience as a base, he will then introduce the most essential Yantra Yoga exercises, which can reshape, transform, and deepen the effect of the practice by coordinating and enhancing the quality of each participant's more subtle and powerful energies. The following series of movements will be taught during this workshop: The Vairocana Position, The Nine Purification Breathings, Lungsang (Purifying the Prana), Tsadul (Controlling the Energy Channels), and the Pranayama of Rhythmic Breathing. Please bring yoga clothing and a yoga mat.
Recommended reading: Norbu, Yantra Yoga: The Tibetan Yoga of Movement.
Recommended viewing: Andrico and Diaz, Breathe: Perfect Harmony of Breathing; Andrico and Evangelisti, Tibetan Yoga of Movement: Perfect Rhythm of Life: Level One.
Sam Harris is the author of the New York Times bestsellers, The End of Faith and Letter to a Christian Nation. The End of Faith won the 2005 PEN Award for Nonfiction. Mr. Harris' writing has been published in over fifteen languages. He and his work have been discussed in Newsweek, TIME, The New York Times, Scientific American, Nature, Rolling Stone, and many other journals. His writing has appeared in Newsweek, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Times (London), The Boston Globe, The Atlantic, The Annals of Neurology, and elsewhere. Mr. Harris is a Co-Founder and CEO of Project Reason, a nonprofit foundation devoted to spreading scientific knowledge and secular values in society. He received a degree in philosophy from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in neuroscience from UCLA. March 31, 2005 Video Rating: 4 / 5
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His Holiness the 17th Karmapa participating in a tree-planting ceremony
In celebration of World Environment Day yesterday, His Holiness the 17th Karmapa spoke at the first day of the 4th Khoryug Conference on Environmental Protection for Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries — a five-day conference focusing on biodiversity, climate change, and natural disaster preparedness. Representatives from forty-five monasteries throughout the Himalayas and South Asia are gathered in Dharamsala, India, this week for the conference.
As part of his opening address, the Karmapa stated, "We should all try our hardest to protect the Tibetan Plateau and the Himalayas and preserve these ecosystems. Preserving the biodiversity and the ecosystems of our region should be like the effortless practice of dharma for us. Our basic motivation to protect the environment should come from the pure desire to benefit all sentient beings on earth."
To learn more about the conference, visit their website at
The track "Dil Ki Doya" is taken from the album "Chillout Moods - CD 5". The original albums name is "Real Sugar" (Label Real World) from Paban Das Baul and Sam Mills. Traditional songs and percussion, blended with Western style guitar and structure, very appealing to the open minded listener. An exciting, worthwhile and rewarding collaboration. The rich and melodic musical tradition of India's Bengali region is given a modern sensibility by Paban Das Baul, a master of the dubki (a small tambourine) and a hypnotic vocalist. Synthesizing Tantric Buddhism, Baishnavism and Sufism. Das Baul has created worldwide attention for his trance inspiring performances. Listen & Enjoy it. Information about "Bauls" finding on Internet: The Bauls are Bengal's mystical wandering minstrels, keepers of a carnivalesque rave culture that is more than five centuries old. An anarchic sect of nomads, outcastes and ascetics, they have preserved a series of esoteric spiritual teachings which have been passed down for generations. They are regarded by many as being mentally unhinged by their asceticism - in Bengali the word Baul means 'mad' or 'possessed'; in the villages of West Bengal they are described as 'holy fools'; in Calcutta they are described as 'God's troubadours'. They refer to each other as 'khepa', meaning 'furious'. Carrying hand drums and simple stringed instruments, they travel Bengal's farms and villages, temples and shrines, bus-stops and wells, performing songs of love, desire ...Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Because Pema Chödrön will spend nearly all of 2012 in retreat, we'd like to let you know about a special opportunity for you to connect with and honor her by way of practice. Created by the Pema Chödrön Foundation, July 14th's recently announced virtual retreat will explore the theme of Practicing Peace, by way of an exclusive Pema teaching specially filmed for the occasion.
To gain access to the video, visit There's no cost to doing this, though donations are welcome and will go to the support of a project that is dear to Pema's heart. Incidentally, July 14 is also Pema's 76th birthday, so you're encouraged to consider your practice a gift. For more details on the retreat, visit or friend them on Facebook.
***If you see publicity in this video, I would like to kindly inform you that the benefits of this advertisement are for the company that has claimed the rights of the soundtrack, not the producer of the piece. Thank you.*** Cittamani inspiration - Deva Premal music To the Enlightened ones, the Dharma and the Spiritual Community Until Enlightenment I turn for refuge. By the spiritual energy of this practice, May I attain Enlightenment for the benefit of all. Tara (whose name means "star" or "she who ferries across") is a Bodhisattva of compassion who manifests in female form. In Tibetan, Tara is known as "Dölma" (Sgrol-ma), or "She Who Saves." In particular she represents compassion in action, since she's in the process of stepping from her lotus throne in order to help sentient beings. Tara's mantra is a loving play on her name. According to Sangharakshita, a traditional explanation of the mantra is that the variations of her name represent three progressive stages of salvation. 1. Tāre represents salvation from mundane dangers and suffering. Tara is seem as a savioress who can give aid from material threats such as floods, crime, wild animals, and traffic accidents. 2. Tuttāre represents deliverance into the spiritual path conceived in terms of individual salvation. In traditional terms, this is the path of the Arhant, which leads to individual liberation from suffering. This is seen in Mahayana Buddhism as a kind of enlightenment in which compassion does not figure ...Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Tibetan man dies after self-immolating in Kham region Tibetan man dies after self-immolating in Kham region Earth, Mars, and Meteorites Inter-Are Application Ancient Buddhist statue found in Tibet carved from meteorite Portuguese Buddhists find new home in Monsanto Park A Place to Call Om: Athens Buddhists lack community, find practice Buddhist lama leads contemplative life in India India: Visa on Arrival facility likely for Thailand, Malaysia BTN and Jogye Order sponsors Thich Nhat Hahn inspired India plans to promote Buddhist sites as new tourist hotspots The Price of Faith: Chinese Buddhist Sites Plan IPOs Rioters torch Buddhist temples, homes in Bangladesh The reluctant lama With Assurance And Confidence Tibetan man dies after self-immolating in Kham region Posted: 01 Oct 2012 08:00 AM PDT Tibetans in exile gather for a candlelit vigil in Dharam...
With palms together Good Morning Everyone, Zen vital requires a in advance reorientation to life. When such a spin happens what was once important no longer seems so; what was once unimportant is right away significant. It is this ostensible turning of life upside down which disturbs some of us, as good as so many of those around us. Conversely, it is what makes life so smashing for those who open their eyes. Yet, it is usually a ostensible turning of things. In truth, it is just a change in where you place a mind. Two short, universal lists: What is significant? A glass of water. A splinter of a moon in a sky. Loving someone; being desired by someone. The taste of things. The feel of things. The smell of things. The sound of things. What is insignificant? Our thoughts about a above. Hurrying to get somewhere. Getting somewhere. Our social status; anothers social status. The sort of car you drive. How far-reaching a TV screen is. That you have a TV in a initial place. We competence cru...
One day left: Shambhala Sun Auction ends Sunday night! One day left: Shambhala Sun Auction ends Sunday night! Professor Daniel Barbezat named Executive Director named at Center for Contemplative Mind in Society Stability - Balance Buddhist Tour- Spiritual Ecstasy of India Ecstatic Altruism: The Secret Contemplative Art and Science of Tibet Tibetan Dalai Lama arrives in Prague, meets Havel Respect human rights, Tibetan exiles ask China One day left: Shambhala Sun Auction ends Sunday night! Posted: 10 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST Our fifth annual Auction closes Sunday at midnight (EST). Some 215 items are featured, like Festival Media's collection of Best Buddhist Films including Zen , (pictured here) the acclaimed recent biopic of Zen Master Dogen. Of course, with an auction it's always in the last few moments that items are won… or lost. So don't delay — take another look at the more than 200 items in the Shambhala Sun Foundatio...