How to Transform Your Negative Anger into Positive Energy

A guest post by Justin Tillman of

There are times in our lives when people will make us feel the energy of anger, sometimes intentionally and other times not. Whatever the case may be, its up to us to determine how we will emotionally and physically respond to the situation. Yes, there are some cases, where a persons behavior towards us was completely unfair. However, if we allow ourselves to become blinded by the energy of anger or even rage, then giving into this emotion will leave us feeling out of control.

When someone makes us angry, instead of looking at that incident as an isolated moment in time, some of us will treat it like a long series of identical events. Through the power of repetition, we take that one event and play it over and over again in our head like a broken record. So much so, that once were angered; we plant the seed of grudge in the garden of our mind so deep that thought begins to influence our behavior. Once swayed by our thoughts, there are a number of different ways in which a person will deal with the energy of anger, but the most common way in which people deal with it, tends to be highly destructive.

Some people will:

  • Bottle up their anger inside and then at a later date and time, will explode on another person for the smallest and most unrelated reasons and cant figure out why.
  • Bottle up their anger energy inside, keep it inside and stress themselves to illness.
  • Immediately retaliate by fighting fire with fire.
  • Latch on to self destructive addictions such as drugs, alcohol or violence.

When you allow the energy of anger to become your primary motive, thats when you subject yourself to one of these destructive ways of dealing with anger.

However, if you become c! onscious ly aware of the potential negative outcome, then you can have the option to influence the outcome. By choosing a more productive outcome, it will allow you to successfully turn anger into your ally. Here is a practical approach that you can use.

4 Steps to Transform Anger into Positive Energy.

1. Take Responsibility

A real indicator that determines the height of a persons personal growth comes from their ability to take full responsibility for their thoughts.

Steven Covey, in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, talks about Victor Frankl, a person who was imprisoned and tortured in the death camps of Nazi Germany.

After being released from the death camp, Frankl had every reasonin the world to be a short tempered, angry bitter man and nobody would have faulted him. Instead of turning his experience into an excuse to hold a deep seeded grudge, he used his personal experience as a teaching tool to help inspire others to become empowered by their thoughts.

Through the path of his journey Frankl discovered a fundamental principle about the nature of man, that I feel will serve as a powerful guide to help you to gain control over our anger.
The principle is; between every stimulus and response, a person always has the freedom to choose his/her reaction.Lets run with this thought for a second.

Shall we?..

From now on when someone does something to make you feel the energy of anger, look at them as the stimulus. Before you react in one of 4 destructive ways mentioned above, look at the potential outcome of your response.

Where Frankl found his freedomis the same place you will find yours the power comes from that small window of time right before we act. The window is so small that if you blink youll miss it. So we must become the farmer of our thoughts to protect our minds from being influenced by the weeds of external forces.

By taking responsibility for protecting your thoughts, ! you are exercising your ability to utilize your most powerful asset available; your freewill.
There is nothing more powerful than a person who has taken responsibility for how they feel because feelings motivate our actions, which in turn will dictate the outcome of our lives.

Now! To the next important step

2.Forgive Your Self

Fact to cope with! No matter how smart or intelligent you might be, there will be times in our lives in which we will put ourselves in a situation that will open the door for other people to take advantage of us.

There are many ways in which we can get taken advantage of, here are just 3 that I can directly relate to my own personal experience:

  • Sometimes its because were naive, we simply dont know what we dont know.
  • Other times we might have a hard time saying no to a persons agenda which sounds good in theory, but doesnt add up in practice.
  • While, other times, well neglect to see the writing on the wall, due to greed.

If you want to transform anger into positive energy, then you are going to have to forgive yourself. No matter how much you might blame yourself for what happened, you have to accept the fact that we are going to make mistakes from time to time. When you forgive yourself, its like taking off a backpack full of heavy rocks; you will feel a spring in your step and grow hungry to focus on the next most important step for you to improve your situation.

3.Forgive the Other Person

Of the 3 steps so far, this can be the most difficult step to practice because it will require us to forgive the other person whos done us wrong.

If you are going to take full responsibility for protecting your feelings, then you have to understand that just like you, the other person is human as well. With this in mind, even the person who might have done you wrong makes mistakes and will continue to make mistakes. Moreover, holding a grudge against someone will alwa! ys put m ore stress on you than it will on the other person.

Wishing someone ill will or harm from the comfort of your own head is as productive as taking a poisonous pill and waiting for the other person to die.

This is why its important that you forgive them. Forgiving is not for the other person, its for yourself.
Now I dont want you to get me wrong. Forgiving the other person doesnt mean you have to like them. And, it certainty doesnt mean that you should indemnify them from their actions, there is a time and a place for everything.

You are simply allowing yourself to become free from the burden of what they did to you, consume another waking moment of your precious life.

As the old adage goes, Forgive but never forget. Never forget because if you forget your history, then you are very much likely to repeat it.
Now that you have taken responsibility for how you feel, forgiven yourself and even forgiven the other person, you must move to the last and final step, which is to transform that anger into positive energy.

4.Transform (Through Expression)

The law of conservation states that energy can neither be created nor can it be destroyed. So in order to reap the benefits from this potential energy, its our responsibility to channel it.

Anger is nothing more than a signal. Once youve identified this energy you must immediately use the power of your awareness to find a place to refocus your actions.

It will much better serve you if you use that same powerful force as a shot of nitrous-oxide to help fuel you to do one high leveraged activity that youve procrastinated, that you know if you did right now, would be a payoff for you in a big way.

  • If youve been putting off getting started with chapter one in your book, now is the time.
  • If youve been meaning to pitch a story to a well know publication, find that person you need to get in touch with, think creatively on how you will communicate with them and then go! approac h them.
  • Have you been meaning to sign up for a seminar, workshop or program that will teach you a new skill? Youve guess it, now its time to take action and sign up.

By immediately doing something now and using this energy to fuel you, youll feel great for a number of different reasons. First, you will learn how to turn anger into your ally. Second, you will witness a positive result manifest in your life. And last but not least, you will reconfirm that no body, I mean NO BODY, but you will have the final say to the outcome of your life, destiny and future.

Justin writes about self improvement at, where you can get his free e-book:Find Your Purpose in 20 Minutes or Less. His goals are to inspire others to unleash their burning desires and to live life on their terms.

Click here to Download the FREE first chapter of Start Over: Create the Life YOU Want

How to Transform Your Negative Anger into Positive Energy

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