Simple Daily Habits to Ignite Your Passion

Above all, be true to yourself, and if you cannot put your heart in it, take yourself out of it.- Hardy D. Jackson

Editors note: This is a guest post from Scott Dinsmore of LiveYourLegend

For the past 8 years Ive run experiments on myself and others to better understand what makes us come alive.

This has taken me on ultra-marathons, to the tops of mountains, the bowels of bookstores, around the world and in front of some pretty fascinating people on some very deep soul searching. Finding passion and helping folks do work that embodies it has become a bit of an obsession of mine and has turned up some interesting results.

It turns out passion is not as elusive as we think. Just like daily exercise leads to a more fit and healthy body, there are habits that lead to fire in your belly. If we are to cultivate such a lifestyle we must act accordingly.

1.Surround yourself with passionate people. This is the foundation. Most people dont believe you can do work you love because theyre constantly around people who hate their jobs and dont know what excites them. This has to change. Those around you have everything to do with your success and your belief of whats possible. Youll either rise up or sink down depending on whos next to you.

Passion is contagious. You must have an environment that embodies it. You need a support crew who believes what you believe. People who dream as big as you or bigger. Not only will they give you ideas but theyll condition the belief that doing what you love is the norm. They fuel our passion and make the unthinkable possible, even normal. Youll begin to expect the same of yourself.

Its crucial to get this right. Its why Leo and I get out on barefoot runs in San Francisco every week or so and why Im on a quest to document 1,000 peo! ple acro ss the world living their dreams. We all need encouragement.

Look around you. Do the people you see inspire and motivate you? Are they doing epic things? Do they love their work? Learn how to make genuine connections with new people doing interesting things. Check Craigs List, MeetUp, coffee shop bulletin boards, Chamber of Commerce, Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. Find people in your own town and online. Befriend them. Make them a part of your life. Get out on adventures together. Schedule a weekly dinner or drinks just to talk about whats exciting. Environment is everything.

2. Create space. If you dont give big ideas room, theyll never show up. Purpose and passion are no different. Lack of space creates pressure the ultimate killer of creativity. And nothing requires more creative juices than passion. Start small with five minutes each morning. Schedule downtime. Start walking to work instead of taking the bus. Dont multitask. Get out in nature. Just be, let things flow and see what comes up. Give yourself permission to dream. Passion thrives in emptiness.

3. Help someone in a way only you can. We all have natural strengths and talents that can dramatically help those around us. What comes easy for you is no doubt challenging for others. We tend to take these for granted, often hardly noticing our own gifts, and rarely share them with others. Passion comes from using those on a routine basis. Ask yourself, What do people thank you for? What do people routinely ask for your help with? Most peoples passions help others in one way or another. Perhaps for you its knitting, teaching children math, cooking a good meal or leading a yoga class. Devote time each day to sharing your talents.

4. Keep a journal of what inspires and excites you. Let your thoughts run wild. Most importantly, keep a running list of what inspires you. B! ooks, ma gazines, movies, people, products, music, stories, careers, everything. Most people have a brush with passion almost daily, unfortunately were often too busy thinking of our 97-item todo list to take in the education. Anytime something catches your eye or excites you, open up your journal and get it onto paper. Over the years you will have a running story of how you might enjoy spending your time.

5. Challenge the norm. Ask questions. Dont take things as gospel just because thats how theyve always been done. Dont aimlessly listen to those around you. Question everything youve been doing and are about to do, especially if you dont enjoy it. Is it really what you want? Is it in line with who you are? Perhaps theres a better way. There often is.

6. Scare yourself Live outside your comfort zone. Passionate people thrive off uncertainty. If you arent doing things that give you a few goose bumps youre either not learning, dying or bored out of your mind. None of which are good. Do something at least mildly uncomfortable daily. This could be as small as making a phone call or sharing your art with someone. Be vulnerable. Theres a pretty direct correlation between pushing limits and epic living.

7. Find the right reasons. If a passionate person gets fired, they brush it off and get excited about the opportunity the lost job must be presenting. You cant control what happens but you can control your reaction to it. What challenges have come up today? How could you reframe them? The juiciest possibilities often have the best disguises. Notice them.

8. Learn something new. Become obsessed with learning everything you can find new skills, approaches, ideas, you name it. If it interests you then its important enough to get in your brain. We have to fuel what excites us. Grab a magazine or book that interests you and read a fe! w pages on the way to work or before bed. Passionate people almost always have a book within reach. Ideas can be found anywhere. Start looking. Be a sponge.

9. Start at blog. Surprise, surprise, right? But blogs are much more powerful than most realize. Theyre a simple way to explore and share the thoughts and beliefs youre excited about and for people to immediately see and provide feedback.Dont worry about whether youll make money from it or who will read it. Thats not the point. The point is to constantly fuel something that interests you.

For years my wife has loved to cook vegetarian meals. Then last month she started a simple blog and the most fascinating thing started to happen. Her cooking changed from something she simply did, to something she eagerly shared and talked to others about. She suddenly had an audience to teach something she cared about.People started to thank her and cook her meals. Now she wants to do something more with it. Maybe private cooking classes or a recipe book.

This would have never come if she hadnt taken her interest to the next level. It didnt have to be a blog. That just happens to be one of the easiest ways of doing it these days. Seriously start a blog. It takes a few hours max. Write about what excites you and nothing else. Publish it for the world to see. Do it daily or weekly. Give your passion room to breathe. See what happens.

Your lifes an experiment

Everything you do, everything you try, everything that does or doesnt work out, whether you like it or not, its all an experiment. Its up to you to decide to learn from it. Thats the ultimate daily practice.

Test how you can help people. Test what excites you. Test what you like. Test what scares you. Realize that if you do what youve always done, your results are never going to change.

Living a life of purpose and passion is just that, a way of life. Those who wake up excited arent just the lucky ones, they condition themselves to experience a! nd deser ve it.

Scott Dinsmore is the founder of LiveYourLegend, where he writes and helps people discover passion & purpose and do work they love. Check out his latest articles or download his free Epic Work Toolkit.


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