Tibetan Chant - Tara Emanations

Tibetan Chant - Tara Emanations

Tibetan Chant - Tara Emanations

Posted: 09 Jul 2007 03:16 AM PDT

The emanations of Bodhissatva Tara
Views: 273012
574 ratings
Time: 02:05 More in Entertainment

Amitabha Buddha Mantra (Namo Amituofo)

Posted: 19 Oct 2010 12:41 AM PDT

Many forget that our main practice is Lord Buddha remembrance. This involves chanting Namo Amituofo. We can chant out loud or we can just say it over and over in our minds and it becomes a meditation. Meditations are to 'guard or protect the mind'. When you are reciting a mantra, your mind has a hard time of thinking of much else, so this is one way to protect the mind. With a single recitation of Namo Amituofo you destroy countless eons of bad karma.
Views: 7451
25 ratings
Time: 11:21 More in Music

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