Announcements for the Order of Clear Mind Zen

With palms together,

Good Morning Everyone,

So, I am not a Christian and have no TV or radio. I dont really look that closely at the little notes above my calendar. I did not know this Sunday was Easter. Goodness. So, I think it is wise to postpone our Annual Membership Meeting for a week. We will still hold Zen services at 9:00 AM this Sunday.

So, Annual Meeting is set for May 1st at 11:00 AM

Team Zen will race the Iron Bunny 5k Charity race tomorrow morning at Ponder Park in El Paso (start time is 8:00 AM). Team Zen will also walk the March for Babies on April 30 at Young Park at 7:30. This will be followed by Clear Mind Zen assisting at Peace Villages Mini Peace Camp in Anthony NM at 9:35.

We will host May Zazenkai from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Saturday, May 7th. Please consider joining us and reserve your space soon.

May you each be a blessing in the universe.



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