The return

If we, as the One Mind (ekacitta) or absolute spirit, were like pure water then the only thing we would be able to behold would be its configurations such as whirlpools, ripples, waves, etc. This boils down to saying that Mind cannot directly behold Mind until it penetrates through its configurations. This fact is lost sight of by Buddhists who are convinced that Mind has configured, determinate being. The only determinate being Mind has is its phenomena which are never Mind, itself. This is Mind's primordial ignorance which it has not overcome.

The only way for the Buddhist adept to engage with pure Mind is to penetrate through Minds contrasting phenomenal veil which amounts to a return to itself and equally the overcoming of Minds original ignorance of itself or avidya.

With such a return the adept then knows that all phenomena are compositions of Mind substance. This knowing or gnosis (jna) is not to be confused with intellectual knowing which is abstract. It is knowing that is more like a baptism; as plunging fully into absolute spirit (ekacitta); to directly behold the absolute medium, itself, passing beyond all of its countless configurations.

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