There are no sentient beings for a Bodhisattva to liberate

If one thinks about saving all living or sentient beings which a Bodhisattva tries to do, how is it possible since the psychophysical body, that is, the Five Aggregates are an illusion? Since when is a Bodhisattva in the business of saving illusions? Lets look at how the Buddha describes each aggregate.

Form is like a lump of foam, feeling like a water bubble; perception is like a mirage; volitions like a plantain trunk, and consciousness like an illusion, so explained the Kinsman of the Sun (S. iii. 142).

I should add that there is no aggregate that is not also impermanent and suffering which is not also Mara the killer. Again I ask, since when is a Bodhisattva in the business of saving illusions? If I have a dream of seeing countless suffering people who are dying from a lack of water and food, when I wake up from this dream do I wish to go back to this dream, hoping to save them? Of course not because the dream is an illusion.

A way to understand living beings (sattva) a Bodhisattva intends to save comes from Zen master Hui-hai who is known as the Great Pearl.

These nine classes of beings are all (latent) in our physical body; they are created according to our karmic deeds. Thus, ignorance creates a being born from an egg; defilement (klesa) creates a being born from the womb; immersion in the love-fluid creates a being born from humidity; and the sudden arising of passion creates a being born of transformation. When awakened, we are Buddhas; when deluded, we are (ordinary) sentient beings. To a Bodhisattva, every thought arising in the mind is a living being. If every thought is looked into clearly, the substance of the mind is found to be void, and this is called the deliverance of living beings. The Illuminated man liberates his inner living beings even before they take shape in his own self; and, since their shapes therefore do not exist, it is clear that there are in reality no living beings to be liberated! ( Blofeld, The Zen Teachings of Hui Hai, pp. 126127). (Italics are mine.)

The medicine Zen master Hui-hai gives us might be difficult for some Buddhists and most people to swallow. Perhaps these people are extremely attached to the psychophysical body as being a sentient being. They dont see their psychophysical body as being fundamentally illusory. Rather, they crave it; they follow it around, enslaved to it. In this condition, it is impossible for them to see how beings are liberated.

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