Jiisha and Volunteer Opportunities

With respect,

Hello Everyone, As you know now, Kathryn Soku Shin has formally become my "jiisha." A jiisha is the personal attendant of the abbot. She will be responsible for fielding my calls, scheduling, and a variety of other tasks at the Order. Please give her your complete cooperation and assistance as needed.

We are a growing organization. I want to keep it as flat an organizational structure as is possible. To accomplish this we need people willing to offer their services to the Order. Sewing tasks include zafus and zabutans. Marketing tasks include press releases, attending community meetings on behalf of the Order, seeking out free advertising wherever possible, and being willing to talk to friends and new acquaintences about our Order and the various services we offer. Social engagement would include writing letters to editors, bearing witness for peace, voluntering at the soup kitchen, peace village, hospice, or other social service agencies. We are planning to offer seminars. If you have an interest in assisting with the design and implementation, administration, and so on of educational seminars, please let us know. We would like someone to be in charge of our kitchen at the Temple, making sure it is stocked with the necessary daily and weekly needs of the sangha. These are just a few of our personnel needs.

If you are free to do any of these please confer with Soku Shin.

Be well.

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