Beyond biological tissue
True religion is very difficult for the modern mind to grasp since, from birth, it has been taught that the bodys movement is due to biological causes as if to suggest that life, itself, depends on a deep structured cellular mechanism and chemistrynot the other way around (this would be life as pure, animative spirit).
Buddhism doesnt bother itself with debating this matter. In goes to the very heart of the matter demanding that we make direct contact with the animative power by means of meditation. This means the truth of this animative power is present for us when we experience it face to face and not otherwise. This eliminates endless debates which always defy resolution.
Laying the previous train of thought aside, the reason for posting this particular blog has to do with meeting a person today, at my local coffee shop, who was discussing yoga postures. I pointed out to them that that posture, itself, is to be filled with Mind (citta) which first requires that we actually awaken, somewhat, to this Mind. While I was explaining the animative nature of this Mind to this person, I could sense that they were directly experiencing it. Needless to say, they were astonished and remained in a state of light-bliss (that is the only way I can explain it for now). This, I can say, is more than likely the way the Buddhas true religion was transmitted. Some people who met him felt the presence of Mind animating them, becoming in sync with him, so to speak. It is quite an event, needless to say. It goes to prove what I said earlier about true religion which is not about acquiring a new belief, but about directly experiencing the animative power of life itself which is far beyond the reach of biological tissue.