Training Fund
With Respect to All,
Good Morning Everyone,
Since opening the topic training with the Silent Thunder Order's abbot, Taiun-sensei, several members and friends of the Order have asked how to help financially. At our Order's bank we have a savings account. I am considering this account a "Training Fund" which will go towards Taiun's travel to and from New Mexico, as well as my travel to Atlanta for training there. Taiun is expected to train with us here in New Mexico in late September. His partner is now obtaining flight information. Fortunately, I am "retired" from the US Army and can fly on military aircraft "hops." So, my travel expenses will not be great. However, I am expected to offer Ango fees and dana to Taiun-sensei. The Ango fees are (at present) $1500.00 for the three months.
I am considering beginning Ango (a three month training retreat) in the first part of 2012 with Taiun's permission. I am working on a budget for myself which will allow me to save money towards the Ango fes and dana. I would personally appreciate any and all assistance I can get from you.
If you wish to support this effort, please make your donation either by check to "The Order of Clear Mind Zen" with 'training' in the memo section, or through Paypal on our website. If you chose Paypal, kindly send me an email so that I know that your donation was intended for the Training Fund as opposed to the general fund which supports the Temple itself.
Since it is the end of one month and the beginning of another, please do consider offering support to our temple. Your donations are greatly appreciated.
May you each be happy and free from suffering.
Good Morning Everyone,
Since opening the topic training with the Silent Thunder Order's abbot, Taiun-sensei, several members and friends of the Order have asked how to help financially. At our Order's bank we have a savings account. I am considering this account a "Training Fund" which will go towards Taiun's travel to and from New Mexico, as well as my travel to Atlanta for training there. Taiun is expected to train with us here in New Mexico in late September. His partner is now obtaining flight information. Fortunately, I am "retired" from the US Army and can fly on military aircraft "hops." So, my travel expenses will not be great. However, I am expected to offer Ango fees and dana to Taiun-sensei. The Ango fees are (at present) $1500.00 for the three months.
I am considering beginning Ango (a three month training retreat) in the first part of 2012 with Taiun's permission. I am working on a budget for myself which will allow me to save money towards the Ango fes and dana. I would personally appreciate any and all assistance I can get from you.
If you wish to support this effort, please make your donation either by check to "The Order of Clear Mind Zen" with 'training' in the memo section, or through Paypal on our website. If you chose Paypal, kindly send me an email so that I know that your donation was intended for the Training Fund as opposed to the general fund which supports the Temple itself.
Since it is the end of one month and the beginning of another, please do consider offering support to our temple. Your donations are greatly appreciated.
May you each be happy and free from suffering.