Our Work

With palms together,

Good Morning Everyone,

The days are being filled with new and exciting people. The first two days of this week, which included our new schedule, were very full. We had a number of drop ins, several new visitors at our Zazen periods, and an apparent excitement about our simply being there. At our six oclock Zazen periods, we had eight practitioners, not including myself or Soku Shin, who was on her way to El Paso to practice with our Sangha there. Very nice.

Our weekday schedule includes Morning Services at 9:30 AM, Zazen at 3:00 PM, and Evening Services at 6:00 PM. People are welcome to join us for these practice periods. If new to the practice or the center, we ask that you arrive a half hour early in order to be given instruction.

Our Order is working hard toward defining itself as an Engaged practice organization. Several of our members are entering Hospice Training programs, entering Prison Work, and doing a variety of volunteers jobs to assist those in need in our communities.

We will be offering Staff Development and Training in Contemplative Practices at J. Paul Taylor Correctional Facility on the 28th and hope to begin our work there on the following week. We are now about to enter our third month of a Year of Solace the Hospice Training Program offered through Camille Adair at Ambercare, and we have sharpened and settled into our own educational and practice programs at the Temple.

I wish to announce that Student Tamra has accepted the position of Tenzo for our Order. She brings with her thirty years of practice in the Maezumi White Plum Asangha tradition and was a student of his in LA. I am also thankful that Student Steve has accepted the role of Jikido in our Temple. He will act as our Temple Attendant, correcting posture, ensuring our offerings of incense, light, and water are continuously refreshed.

Lastly, my own jisha, Soku Shin will enter the priestho! od as a Novitiate in July. Her ceremony is tentatively scheduled for Sunday the 17th at Clear Mind Zen Temple.

As is always the case, we look forward to seeing you in person at our Temple. In lieu of that, we are always available through Skype. Consider arranging a Skype interview in you are interested in working with us. Simply email me at clearmindzen@yahoo.com.


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