7 Warning Signs That Youve Given Up on Your Dreams

What do you REALLY want from life? Whats your big dream? Are you taking steps toward it? If not, why not? Whats stopping you from taking action today?

Perhaps youre scared, or maybe you've built a huge wall of procrastination that you'll never scale. Whatever it is, you probably think it has merit. In fact, you may have simply stopped thinking about your dreams because you've given up.

It's too bad. People in much worse situations than you have created the life of their dreams. You may have excuses and obstacles standing in your way, but you can transcend them. However, it only happens when youre ready.

Here are seven warning signs that youve given up on your dreams:
  • Excuses
    Everyone makes excuses. Fleeting excuses are fine but problems begin when you stick to the same excuse over and over again. Thats when you start believing that its real and insurmountable.

    Your excuses may seem real, but the one creating them is you. I had a lot of excuses when I started. I couldve given up, but I kept going, because I knew that that was the path to realizing my dreams. Lose the excuses and focus the effort on progress.

  • Fear
    Not only did I have a lot of excuses before I started building my online business and following my passion, I also had a lot of fear and still do. I'm afraid of failure, not being good enough, and all those fears that we all share.

    But I kept moving forward. If you're letting fear stop you from going after your dreams, you're surrendering to a life that you ultimately don't want to live. Sure it may seem comfortable right now, but a few years down the road, you'll regret not having taken action. Is that what you want?

  • Analyzing
    Are you trying to analyze how you're going to go after your dreams? Trust me, it doesn't work. Some planning is certainly helpful, but ultimately you have to take action in order to learn what works and what doesn't.

    Look at that thing you've been putting off, and do something today to take action toward it.

  • Some Day
    How many people have told you that some day they will go after their dreams, follow their passion, and be happy? A whole bucket load Id bet - and one of those people may be you.

    Some day is not on the calendar, and the longer you wait, the longer you wait. It doesn't get any simpler than that. Instead of waiting, start now, start anywhere, and start with anything, because it's better than sitting around waiting for some day.

  • If Only
    If only you had more money, connections, or talents, you'd easily go after your dreams and enjoy life, right?

    I dont think so.

    Many of the most successful entrepreneurs and people that are living the life that they want to live did not have their dreams served to them on a silver platter.

    The bottom line?

    You're not missing anything except the proper attitude and willingness to take action.

  • Im Not
    Are you afraid that you don't have anything unique to give to people?

    This is something I deal with a lot with my clients, especially when it comes to creatin! g an onl ine business and putting yourself out there. We all have something to contribute to the world (yes, that includes you), and that something is the exact thing that makes you come alive.

    For me one of those things is writing, and another thing is helping people live the life of their dreams and follow their passion.

    What's yours?

  • Comfort Zone
    Fear of failure is a big obstacle for many when thinking about going after their dreams. Youve probably heard that its hard to go after your dreams and follow your passion, and it is, but anyone can do it, if they are willing to suspend their disbelief and take action.

    You have to decide whether you are happy with where you are now, or whether you want to take action and work towards something that truly fulfills you.
  • Discover your passion, follow it, and create the life you want. Theres no better time to start than now.

    Written on 11/10/2011 by Henri Junttila. Henri writes at Wake Up Cloud, where he shares his personal tips on how you can live the life you know you deserve. When you feel ready to take action, get his free course: Find Your Passion in 5 Days or Less. And if you liked this article, you will enjoy one of his top articles: 77 Great Quotes That Will Change Your Life.Photo Credit: Benson Kua

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