Buddhist Chanting, Lotus Sutra

Buddhist Chanting, Lotus Sutra

Buddhist Chanting, Lotus Sutra

Posted: 22 Apr 2008 06:18 AM PDT

www.youtube.com www.encognitive.com The Lotus Sutra or Sutra on the White Lotus of the Sublime Dharma (Sanskrit सद्धर्मपुण्डरीकसूत्र Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtra; 妙法蓮華經Chinese: Miàofǎ Liánhuā Jīng; Japanese: Myōhō Renge Kyō; Korean: Myobeomnyeonhwagyeong; Vietnamese: Diệu Pháp Liên Hoa Kinh) is one of the most popular and influential Mahāyāna sutras in East Asia and the basis on which the Nichiren sects of Buddhism were established. The Lotus Sutra was probably compiled in the first century CE in Kashmir, during the fourth Buddhist Council of the newly founded Mahāyāna sect of Buddhism, more than 500 years after the death of Shakyamuni Buddha. It is thus not included in the more ancient Āgamas of Mahāyāna Buddhism, nor in the Sutta Pitaka of the Theravada Buddhists, both of which represent the older Buddhist scriptures which to a greater amount of certainty can be historically linked to Shakyamuni Buddha himself en.wikipedia.org
From: TrungEdm
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