Enough Already

Good Morning Everyone,

This morning I read a piece by a professor at UC-Davis in response to the savage pepper spraying of peaceful demonstrators on campus. It was heartening to see a voice rise up, as if in the wilderness, to say, You know what? Enough! His point was that we are reaping the rewards of a gradual, but escalating militarization of urban police forces. Our language has been one driver of this with phrases like, War on Drugs, War on Terror, War on Poverty. For goodness sake, to listen to us, its all we know how to do. So when people get fed-up with the 1% getting richer and richer while crying poor me at every effort to balance things out a bit, and decide to say Enough! using one of the few methods they have, peaceful demonstration, we now see a war on demonstrators.

Heres the thing, it seems to me that we are on the edge as a civilization, moving ever closer to a collapse. What has made it possible for the 99% to stay satisfied was the existence of stores like Wal-Mart, Sams Club, and cheapy gas stations. But a casual look at the prices even in these places reveals a growing inability for everyday people to purchase the basics, to say nothing of their distractions.

For a society being raped by the rich to remain peaceful it needs its distractions. The 1% really needs to get this. I am hopeful that it doesnt appreciate this as, since, as our ability to distract ourselves disappears, the truth rises, and one possible result is a societal refusal to go along anymore.

We have allowed ourselves to be pacified too long. Corporate profits, especially in banking and oil, have gone through the proverbial roof. Meanwhile, we at the middle and lower end of the economic spectrum are barely able to afford to eat, let alone buy a candy bar that once was easily affordable, but now is thought of as a luxury.

Be well, verbalize and actualize your dissatisfaction with your life and find ways to make it ! better.< br>

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