Is there life after death?

The Scole Experiment provides the uninformed and deniers with more than satisfactory scientific evidence that there is life after death. Witnessed by trained scientists and paranormal debunkers including hundreds of visitors the Scole Experiment proves to be a watershed moment in our understanding of life after death.

For the materialists among us, it is a shocking revelation; one that throws materialists into a state of cognitive dissonance. For Buddhists the Scole Experiment offers a chance to rid Buddhism of the materialists who are presently trying to take control of Buddhism, putting in its place a counterfeit, materialistic Dharma. These Buddhist materialists need to be exposed who will be the ones challenging the Scole Experiment.

I have read the book, The Scole Experiment by Grant & Jane Solomon. For those who haven't this documentary will be of great help in understanding what the experient was really about. It will no doubt cause the materialists and Buddhist materialists to wrestle with their beliefs, one important one being the brain is consciousness, or the same, consciousness is an epiphenomenon of the physical brain.

Enjoy the documentary.

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