Buddhist Commodities Through French New Wave Cinema

I've been examination a lot of unfamiliar drive-in theatre lately. One sold period we have been unresolved out in is a French New Wave. Given a stream upheavals in France over pensions, retirement, immigration, as well as a total horde of other things, it's fascinating to watch these drive-in theatre from half a century ago which browse on many of these issues' beginnings. A span of Jean-Luc Godard films, Made in a USA as well as Masculin,Feminin, we have found particularly engaging for their brief exposure of pile-up consumerism, as well as a vapid rapacity which seems to come with those who welcome it.

I stumbled upon a t-shirt above on a recent ID Project post. It roughly could have come loyal from a Godard scene, framed by a small character celebration of a mass from a Buddhist sutra (Godard often has characters celebration of a mass from a small grand work of novella or non-fiction.) Part of me loves a boldness of a shirt, it's offering to us a reminder which this isn't going to last. Another part of me sees this thing consumerism does - branch every final word, object, as well as knowledge into a product for purchase.

If we filled a city full of people wearing such t-shirts, a in advance jar would disappear roughly completely. It would become mostly, just another hip shirt. And eventually, not a "hip" one, but just another shirt. And eventually, no one would produce them anymore, as well as those wearing them would wear them all out.

What we find so engaging about a 60's Godard drive-in theatre is which a characters have been dripping in pop culture, often observant correct things, but we never truly hold which any of them have actually schooled to be correct themselves. They have been kind of similar to sprinkler systems, putting out a fires of emptiness as well as stupidity by dispensing a small intelligent language. But it usually lasts a small while, as well as pri! or to lo ng, they need to do it again, since anyone examination has grown wearied of them as people, as well as they have been also wearied of themselves.

I suspect t-shirts with Buddhisty sayings have been helpful during a small level. Anything can be a dharma gate. And yet, how easy is it to think which such props have been great tools - which certain whim practice have been compulsory to awaken - which we have been any a stars of a small movie which will someday be loved by millions.

Whose dreams have been we vital out anyway? Do we know? It's really loyal which "this physique will be a corpse." Now what? See, already I'm looking for another cookie to eat.

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