Teachers who are Trojan horses

What a extraordinary as well as beginners have to assimilate about Buddhism is that if they have any doubts about Gautama being a Buddha or awakened, they shouldnt take up Buddhism. It is okay to investigate Buddhism from a outward as well as to disagree with it completely. But if a single decides to follow a teachings of a Buddha afterwards his note has to be supposed upon faith.

Then there is a extraordinary as well as more critical matter of Buddhist teachers who have taken up Buddhism though charge a different kind of note to Gautama than a the single described in his discourses. These people pose far more of a problem than a extraordinary as well as a beginners. They have been rather similar to a Trojan horse. Once they have been supposed as well as believed to be genuine authorities thats when they begin to sack Buddhism, in a manner of speaking.

The sacking begins, as referred to previously, when a Buddhist clergyman attributes, for example, a different kind of note or obscurity to a Buddha than a the single described in a criterion (Pali as well as Mahayana).

Looking during this problem from a side of literary criticism in which we have a text prior to us, for example, J.D. Salingers Franny as well as Zooey, we can predicate any theory we wish about a book as well as what Salinger was perplexing to contend though a justification for a sold theory will have to come from a text itselfnot outward of it. Turning back to Buddhism, this is observant a contribution of Buddhism come from a discourses themselves. If we have a sold theory about a Buddhas note or obscurity a justification has to come in conclusion from a discourses themselves. One has to yield passages from a Buddhist criterion with quotation marks, in alternative words. This is a evidence. If we argue a Buddha taught this or that, though there is no justification to be found in his discourses, afterwards it is a lie to contend a Buddha taught such.

Popular books about Buddhism that for a most part replace a cont! ribution of Buddhism (the contribution being difference a Buddha spoke) have been not reliable for possibly a extraordinary or beginners. It doesnt matter who a writer is especially when they discuss it us what obscurity is. To be honest, they have to do so from a authorized basis not pulling it out their arse. Without supportive contribution anyone can contend what obscurity isits up for grabs. Here is a good e.g. of what I mean. When we read in Charlotte Joko Becks book, Everyday Zen what obscurity is, it might not be truelet a reader beware. She says:

Wisdom is to see that there is zero to search for. If we live with a difficult person, thats nirvana. Perfect. If we have been miserable, thats it. And Im not observant to be passive, not to take action; afterwards we would be perplexing to reason obscurity a bound state. Its never fixed, though regularly changing (p., 151).

If a Buddha in his discourses possibly in a Pali criterion or a Mahayana criterion said anything remotely similar to this, where is it? Beck is not saying. Frankly, her thought is outward of a Buddhist ballpark by miles. Do a difference of Beck carillon with this passage?

Not constructing, not building any complexes possibly for apropos or de-becoming, he grasps after zero in a world; not grasping he is not troubled, not being uneasy he attains nibbana in this really self (paccattmyeva) (M. iii. 244).

Or this thoroughfare from a Mahayana canon?

The Void refers to all births as well as deaths. The Non-Void refers to Great Nirvana. And a non-Self is zero though bieing born as well as death. The Self refers to Great Nirvana (Mahayana Mahaparinirvana Sutra).

Or this one?

Nirvana is a Alayavijna where a denial takes place by self-realisation. Therefore, Mahamati, those who have been foolish talk of a threesome of vehicles as well as not of a state of Mind-only where there have been no images (Lankavatara Sutra).

Or finally this one?

The Self' signifies a Buddha; 'the Etern! al' signifies a Dharmakaya; 'Bliss' signifies Nirvana, as well as 'the Pure' signifies Dharma (Mahayana Mahaparinirvana Sutra).

The extraordinary as well as beginners have a elementary decision to make, possibly accept upon conviction Gautama a Buddha was cordial as well as achieved obscurity or he wasnt enlightened. This is elementary enough. But how does a single discuss it a Buddhist authority, for example, a Zen teacher, that a basis of their Zen Buddhism is factlessit rests usually upon their authority; not a Buddhas words?

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