A Short Wild, Cranky Ride - Complete with Mild NY Yankees Bashing

Well, we only got back an hour ago from examination an additional detriment to a New York Yankees, a most appropriate team income can buy. Sure, they've got twenty-seven championships as well as oodles of Hall of Fame candidates, though really, after a sure point, being a single of a biggest as well as a most appropriate most of a time is a sure glow sheet to hell. Just ask a great folks during Bear Stearns or a Lehman Brothers.

Anyway, given I'm in a jovial, though somewhat cantankerous mood, let's take a journey through a blogosphere together.

Nella Lou has a great post taking target during those who disagree which a internet is a terrible breading belligerent for bad behaviour as well as general meanness. Frankly, any one who is worried about a horrors of a internet competence most appropriate check themselves in a counterpart as they holder down a highway, anathema out every last motorist in their way. Or perhaps, if road fury isn't your fare, we competence consider a ultimate report we common about your relatives, or how we tore political candidate X a new asshole over lunch with your co-workers. we meant really, anything we see on Twitter or Facebook is only a counterpart for what's starting on in a "real world" folks.

Speaking of politics, Kyle over during Reformed Buddhist asks either a political "center" is disintegrating in a U.S., to which I'd say, yes. The same goes for a "left," a "progressives," a "Greens" as well as anything else not associated with a conservative, right wing agenda. Sure, copiousness of us still reason ideas which fit in to a "center" or "left" politically, though a power as well as carry out - right now - are resolutely in a hands of right wing, corporate conservatives. And unequivocally Obama supporters, it's time to get over a apologies as well as commend which a Obama Administration is often invested in maintaining a status quo.

Perhaps,! suffici ent of us will collectively take a hint from someone like Jodo Shinshu Minister Toshikazu Arai, who writes:

It is tall time which humans mobilized their wisdom. They should all lay down together as well as compromise existent territorial issues by substantiating ways to share natural resources as well as dropping territorial claims for pacific coexistence.

Or may be some-more of us will proceed to feel which we have had enough, as Barry asks over during his blog, as well as proceed to consternation what happens once we have burned through "enough" accumulated things as well as practice which we suspicion would bring we happiness.

It seems to me that, during a very least, bringing about shifts in a world we live in begins with, as bookbird points to, entirely accepting ourselves.

And if we aren't there yet, we can regularly take a seat as well as do some zazen, even if, as Petteri suggests, it competence be great for nothing.

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