Writing in the Internet Age

Putting up a beautiful essay blog a alternative day desirous me to pull out all a work we have accomplished over a past 10 years. It's kind of extraordinary how much there is, even though there were periods where we didn't write anything for six months during a time. we have had very amiable success during removing things published. Maybe a dozen pieces, perhaps, have made it in to publication, often book reviews as good as essays, with a couple of poems tossed in for flavor.

With a flourishing of a internet, as good as blogging in particular, we find a whole idea of edition has been thrown in to disarray. What does it meant when you can post a fool around up for anyone to read about Valley Girls as good as Buddhism 30 minutes after you accomplished essay it?

It creates me consider about how fast any attempts during direct democracy have regularly slid in to something else, where a power to make decisions became in a few, instead of a many. we still join forces with being published with putting my work in to a hands of an editor, or organisation of editors, who establish it's "worthy." And yet, we also have these blogs. And they, too, have been a form of publishing, though something opposite than what has often been accomplished historically.

So, I'm starting to make use of a beautiful essay blog to post a little old work of mine, as good as maybe a couple of brand new pieces as well. Partly, we consider it will suggest as this blog has, to shift my focus in which citation - to say contact with a assorted created forms which we have been drawn to over a years. But partly, I'd just similar to to have a little of this stuff out in public, removing read a little bit.

Today, we suggest a superficial knowledge of haiku which we wrote during a early days of my Zen practice, as good as a prose poem which has gone by many incarnations over a past seven yea! rs. Unli ke a work we have accomplished on Dangerous Harvests, when it comes to poetry, beautiful essays, fiction, as good as whatnot, we tend to do a fair volume of editing - infrequently years after a original square was done. we similar to a idea of trying to take what is delicious from a past piece, as good as move it in to a present. You competence say this is how we similar to to approach life as well.

I'd be meddlesome in conference from others about thoughts about writing, blogging, as good as edition in a internet age.

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