
With palms together

Good Morning Everyone,

This sunrise was a cool sixty degrees as you walked Suki in a park. It was nice to wake up to a starry sky, transparent as good as unobstructed. you consider a sky is a singular of my favorite aspects of life here in New Mexico. Having a transparent as good as unrestricted perspective is crucial to vital an accurate life.

I am of late endangered about a ability to endure any others differences when those differences crop up threatening. The very nature of a threat distorts a perception. When you have been afraid you do not see obviously during all: you see situations as pregnant with danger. Our minds eye quite of course rests upon dangerous possibilities, often to a exclusion of others.

Recently you asked a question, How would Buddha reply to Islam? you honestly hold this is a threatening question, as those of us who purport to be Buddhists contingency take a tighten look during what a understanding of Buddha is as good as how tighten or apart you have been from which ideal.

Moreover, you consider such a subject final a tighten examination of a own understanding of Islam. It is my clarity which many of us know very small of Islam as good as which which you do know is grossly inaccurate and/or formed upon televised programming written to increase marketplace share by emotional appeal.

In an essay you found upon a Buddhist Channel, similarities in between Islam as good as Buddhism have been discussed.It is interesting to me which a alertness here in America has been so warped by media images, brow-beating interviews, as good as a ascendency of inflammatory rhetoric, which you do not know even a many easy concepts of Islamic theology, cannot name a singular Islamic theologian, as good as have never (or barely) non-stop a Islamic holy book. Yet from what you consider you know, you make gross generalizations formed upon a acts of malicious miscreants regarding a total of a convic! tion tra dition.

This is same to cross-burning KKKers being identified as a personification of Christianity. Or suggesting which because Buddhist practitioners bow in front of a statue of Buddha you have been idolaters. We do not do that, nor should you do it to alternative conviction traditions.

It is a requisite as devout seekers to be accurate as good as honest by a body, speech, as good as mind. We understand these vehicles to be during risk from a 3 poisons, greed, hatred, as good as delusion. Further, you hold which such poisons be addressed by generosity, love, as good as wisdom. My clarity is which Buddha would find a Middle Way by a bombastic tongue as good as fear mongering of this environment. He would find a approach to see obviously which a chairman in front of him is a suffering tellurian being. He would care for him as good as adore him, even if which chairman was burning a cross, oppressing women, abusing children, or had an bomb device as good as was threatening to erupt it.

The Buddha Way is not for everyone. This most is clear.

Be well.Zen knowledge for every day living.

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