
With palms together

Good Morning Everyone,

Last night you was so tired from an burdensome day which you could usually manage a use chants as good as one duration of zazen. We had one tyro during a Temple as good as you asked for her accede to cut a second duration as good as set aside a Teisho period. She courteously concluded as good as you closed.

In a moment, you felt really bad for depriving a tyro of a second duration as good as self-denial a teaching in sequence to take caring of myself. It was a passing thought. We contingency take caring of ourselves in sequence to take caring of others.

This is a plea for many as good as it seems which plea is associated to a need to be needed. When you cannot stop caring for an additional in sequence to caring for ourselves you have been in need of being indispensable as good as ironically, have been not really caring during all. True caring requires us not to need to care. Being in use to others is not about us, its about others. If you am caring for others, not for them but out of my need to care, then what is a true object of my care?

Be well.Zen knowledge for daily living.

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