3 Birthdays & a Farewell

There are three announcementson Buddha Space today of varying import, depending on your perspective.Firstly, its Buddha Day, or Wesak, Visakha Puja, etc. Secondly, its mybirthday, and thirdly, its the birthday and 'death-day' of Buddha Space. So,its Happy Buddha Day to all Buddhists the world over. However you celebratethis momentous occasion (or however you dont), I hope you have a peaceful andhappy time of it. The world needs as much peace & happiness as it can get.
This year, the full moon fallson the 17th May, so its Visakha Puja, which alsohappens to be my birthday, the coincidence of which I was told was very auspicious by one Buddhistmonk, and met with silence from another: forest monks dont let things go toyour head! This coincidence seems a good motivation to review my Buddhistpractice in relation to the Buddhas teachings on being a good layman. Whichleads me to the third of todays announcements.
Its three Buddha Days ago that this blog waslaunched, and although its original aims were pretty high a space forexploring modern Buddhism and to examine the nature of the Buddha, of space,and of awareness itself via experience, as opposed to academic or philosophicalmeans its done OKhasnt it? Anyway, it's time for a break from such efforts so that personal practice and other projects can be focused on instead, so there won't be any new articles on the blog for the foreseeable future, although readers' comments will be responded to. All the input to the blog from readers in the ! shape of comments andemails is much appreciated, and I wish you all well in your efforts, whether youcall yourselves Buddhists or not. If I have anything to write as a final remark, it's to take a look at who's here once in a while, and to have compassion and kindness for the suffering beings that you encounter...including your 'self'!
Anyway, thank you again for your inspiration and encouragement over the lastthree years.
Mayall beings be happy.

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