*NEW* Meditator Experiences Page

I have created a new page on Wandering Dhamma called Meditator Experiences that I hope will be helpful for international meditators to Thailand and Southeast Asia. I envision this page as a place where international meditators can write their experiences. Hopefully people will share some of what they learned during meditation practice, but also about the particular meditation center visited. There are many places to meditate that it can seem daunting to choose an appropriate place. The meditator experiences page, I hope, can help in this choice through your writings.

A retreat experience as recent as this year or one dating back twenty or more years is welcome. It is interesting to know both the history of experiences at these sites as well as the more contemporary developments. For anyone who has had a positive or negative experience on a retreat especially in Thailand, but also in Southeast Asia, I hope you will contribute to the Meditator Experiences page.

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