Zen mystics, Jeremy Bentham, and Buddhist crackpots
For the Zen mystic who is trying to realize pure Mind, he firmly believes that such an entity as pure Mind or Buddha Mind is a real entity; moreover it can be discovered, that is, directly apperceivedalthough not without a long and patient struggle. This is very much a different entity than a fictitious entity which Jeremy Bentham describes as follows:
A fictitious entity is an entity to which, though by the grammatical form of the discourse employed in speaking of it, existence be ascribed, yet in truth and reality existence is not meant to be ascribed (Ogden, Bethams Theory of Fictions [1932], p. 12).
Buddhists, I hope, grasp the meaning of a fictitious entityalthough I am inclined to believe they often dont. When I say, Buddha Mind this is not a fictitious entityfar from it. Its particular use in discourse is really meant to refer to attained Buddha Mind which is a real entity (yes, some Buddhists have actually beheld Buddha Mind face to face). A more down to earth example, when I use the word moon in a conversation, I mean the real moon, the one that I see when I walk down my driveway at night after putting out my recycling bins. Moon is not a fictitious entiy like matter,motion and rest, orquantity and quality, or in jurisprudence, right and power.
Yet, I have to say this: There are some Buddhist who are of the strong opinion that Buddha Mind is a fictitious entity or, indirectly, treat it as if it were, not actively seeking it. These are the fringe Buddhist crackpots who peddle their garbage on Amazon and elsewhere trying to persuade the poor beginner that they really know what the Buddha taught!
Without going into details, the gnosis of Buddha Mind or absolute Mind is real. The power of this gnosis is almost physically overwhelming. In the words of Kankharevata from the Theragatha (3), See this wisdom of the Tathagatas; it is like a fire blazing in the ! night. T his much doesnt even describe half the experience. And this is only the beginning of the journey.
What is happening today is Buddhist crackpots who believe Buddha Mind is a fictitious entity are trying to take over Buddhism even equating Buddha Mind with awareness or mindfulness. Many good Buddhists which include Theravadins and Tibetan Buddhists are presently waging a silent war against these usurpers who almost admittedly have little or no faith in the Buddhas teachings, let alone that nirvana is also a real entity like Buddha Mind.