The Habit Course: A Simple Method for Powerful Habits
Post written by Leo Babauta.
Today Im announcing one of the best things Ive ever created (other than my kids): The Habit Course, a 4-week intensive, interactive online course meant to teach you how to create habits for life.
Habits have changed my life. I struggled for years to find the discipline to exercise, eat healthily, be organized and productive, reduce debt and save money, etc. But when I started figuring out what I was doing wrong and how habits actually are formed it transformed everything. Soon I was accomplishing any goal (read My Story).
So today, with the help of co-creators Katie and Barrie, Im finally launching the course that will teach others how to successfully form habits. Im really excited about it.
Weve packed a ton of content into the course, and we have a wide range of experts contributing their knowledge as well. It will feature weekly modules with videos, podcasts, interviews, articles, worksheets and more. There will be forums to help you form a habit and answer your questions. And a weekly live webinar where Ill dive in deeper and answer questions live.
Sign up for The Habit Course now if youre interested there are only 250 slots (and as of this morning, a bunch of those have already been taken by people who attended last nights habits webinar. Also, if you sign up by midnight Eastern tonight (Tuesday May 17, 2011), you get a 20% discount on the course price. The course starts next week Monday, May 23, 2011.
Read more about it and sign up on the course website.
Oh, and if you wanted the recording of last nights free habits webinar, its at the bottom of the page on The Habit Course site.