Transmitting the absolute medium

In the apocryphal account found in The Record of Transmitting the Light (J., Denkoroku) where the World-honored One holds up a flower and blinks in front of Mahakashyapa to transmit the Treasury of the Eye of the True Dharma and Wondrous Mind of Nirvana, there was essentially nothing transmitted. Gold need not transmit gold or water transmit water, or for that matter, air or space need not transmit air or space. The Buddha and Mahakashyapa, we are to understand, awakened to the absolute medium of existence which had been in front of their noses all along. The exchange between the two was theatrics.

Until each of us sees this medium which in Zen is to merge with the original face we remain clueless as to what is transmitted. Even if we study Zen at a Zen center and get an institutional transmission which entitles us to wear some fancy robes we are not spiritually transmitted because we havent the foggiest idea what enabled the Buddha to hold up a flower and blink or what enabled Mahakashyapa to smile. Only the Black Dragons know this who have encountered face to face the ultimate medium of existence which the Buddha called profound, of deep splendor, difficult to see, difficult to understand, incomprehensible, having the incomprehensible as its scope, fine, subtle, the sense of which can only be understood by the wise.

Despite my words, cunning humans who have infiltrated the sacred precincts of Buddhism will attempt to tell beginners that Zen is not difficult at all, just sit. That is all you have to do. But Zen is much more than sitting. According to Zen master Jakushitsu the investigation of Zen is for realizing the nature of Mind. This nature of Mind is not to be confused with Minds myriad phenomenalizations which are like ocean waves. The nature of Mind is the absolute medium which is never phenomenal. By bringing up a single thought or concept we hide this medium.

Those reading this blog I hope get lucky. Maybe one day watching a football! game or watching their kids play suddenly all mind phenomena will stop. In an instant, they will behold the medium or the nature of Mind that enabled the Buddha to hold up a flower and blink and Mahakashyapa to smile.

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