Membership and Schedule

With palms together,

Good Morning Everyone,

Last night we meet with the membership committee and discussed its role in our Sangha. Sangha Membership is an important commitment and one that ought not be taken lightly. There are both benefits and responsibilities to membership in this Order. One does not come without the other.

What are the benefits? Primarily mutual support for our practice. This is accomplished through the availability of a Zendo, Zabutons, Zafus, Teachers, the Roshis library and other resources, as well as the many practice opportunities the Order provides. What are the responsibilities? Mutual support of each other in our practice is primary. This occurs through the members physical and spiritual presence in the Zendo and at activities the Order provides. Secondarily, responsibility also includes the maintenance of the Temple and support structures as well as the support of its abbot.

Recently, we have experienced a surge (of sorts) in attendance at our groups. We are hopeful this will translate into higher attendance at our regularly scheduled practice periods. In order to better accommodate this and reduce the watering down effect of too many formal practice periods in a given week, we are changing our practice schedule as follows:

Monday Zazen at 7:00-8:00 PM

Tuesday Zen 101 Group, Zazen at 7:00-8:00 PM

Wednesday Tai Chi Chih at 6:00, NO ZAZEN

Thursday Women in Zen Group at 5:30, NO ZAZEN

Friday Zen Group at 4:00 PM, Zazen at 5:15 PM, Gathering at Abbots Residence at 6:30 PM

Saturday No Zazen

Sunday Formal Zazen at 9:00 AM

The Temple will be open for dokusan by appointment with the Abbot. Call 575-680-6680 to schedule an appointment.

Be well.

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