The Altar 2.0

I've eventually got a tabernacle up during a brand brand new house. I've been wanting a Chinese character tabernacle list for a little time as we unequivocally similar to a designs. Plus, during a old place a tabernacle was sitting on a entertainment center. So, it was a bit cramped. we also similar to which this tabernacle has a little storage space inside; behind a set of tiny doors in a front of it. You can kind of see them with a knobs in this picture. They slip behind as well as forth, as well as there is surprisingly some-more room in it then we might think form seeking during a outside.

So, which gives me all a room we need to store my incense, candles as well as alternative Dharma items. The Buddha is a brand brand new addition as well. we longed for a single which looked a bit some-more Indian in design. we only similar to which character of depicting a Tathagata.

Then I've got my traditional pattern of my teacher Thich Nhat Hanh on a tabernacle with a petiole of bamboo, a play for incense, a Tibetan singing play as well as a rock candle holder. It's nice to have a tabernacle unpacked as well as sitting in a brand brand new home. It brings a nice energy to a place. Anyway, boring post though we thought a little might be interested in where we meditate. Bowing.

~Peace to all beings~

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