With palms together
Good Morning Everyone,
Buddhism is a sacrament of action, not of difference that so often meant nothingpeaceful sit-in demonstrations have been examples of great movement in silence. Nothing will ever be achieved unless movement is taken. Rev. Dr. Soyu Matsuoka-roshi, The Kyosaku, p. 319
Matsuoka is referring to a protests against separation in America during a sixties. His point, though, is simple as well as straight forward: we have been not simply meditators. Followers of a Buddha Way have an requisite to act in a face of evil. Buddhism, he says, is a sacrament of action, as well as so it is. Any word would be a waste of breath. Silence is thunder, he used to say. But overpower in a certain way. Silence with an attitude.
What is a attitude? The perspective of Zen: still, courageous, as well as upright.
These days far too most of us have been complacent. We have truly become sheep or worse. We have been either sleepwalking by life or busily burying a heads in a silt while all around us bad things have been happening. From a delayed wearing away of tellurian rights to an wearing away of civility to an wearing away of caring for others to outright hostility toward those with whom we may disagree: we have been becoming a world of beings lost in a three poisons.
We have been fearful to contend no as well as we have been fearful to contend yes. The common denominator is fear. We do not want to stone a boat. We do not want to be a ones who others look at, a ones upon a front line.
When I think about it, I get a sick feeling. Segregation as well as racism have been still with us. War has been a consistent part of a lives. People have been homeless, but medical caring or coverage, as well as we do not certitude a neighbors. Not much has changes given a days of Vietnam Veterans Against a War, Martin Luther King, as well as a efforts to end craving as well as homelessness.
In t! his land of a free, we give up, as well as to be safe, we elect to live in cages. Where is a good Zen Master when we really need her?
Be well.Zen knowledge for daily living.
Good Morning Everyone,
Buddhism is a sacrament of action, not of difference that so often meant nothingpeaceful sit-in demonstrations have been examples of great movement in silence. Nothing will ever be achieved unless movement is taken. Rev. Dr. Soyu Matsuoka-roshi, The Kyosaku, p. 319
Matsuoka is referring to a protests against separation in America during a sixties. His point, though, is simple as well as straight forward: we have been not simply meditators. Followers of a Buddha Way have an requisite to act in a face of evil. Buddhism, he says, is a sacrament of action, as well as so it is. Any word would be a waste of breath. Silence is thunder, he used to say. But overpower in a certain way. Silence with an attitude.
What is a attitude? The perspective of Zen: still, courageous, as well as upright.
These days far too most of us have been complacent. We have truly become sheep or worse. We have been either sleepwalking by life or busily burying a heads in a silt while all around us bad things have been happening. From a delayed wearing away of tellurian rights to an wearing away of civility to an wearing away of caring for others to outright hostility toward those with whom we may disagree: we have been becoming a world of beings lost in a three poisons.
We have been fearful to contend no as well as we have been fearful to contend yes. The common denominator is fear. We do not want to stone a boat. We do not want to be a ones who others look at, a ones upon a front line.
When I think about it, I get a sick feeling. Segregation as well as racism have been still with us. War has been a consistent part of a lives. People have been homeless, but medical caring or coverage, as well as we do not certitude a neighbors. Not much has changes given a days of Vietnam Veterans Against a War, Martin Luther King, as well as a efforts to end craving as well as homelessness.
In t! his land of a free, we give up, as well as to be safe, we elect to live in cages. Where is a good Zen Master when we really need her?
Be well.Zen knowledge for daily living.