
(PHOTO CREDIT: All credit goes to Derrick Story).

It has been brought to my courtesy which there is someone starting around a buddhoblogosphere plagiarizing not usually my blog though multiform others. In some cases it is word for word what we have written, as well as a blog owners is, so brazen to even embody my name in a posts! The blog name is, "Buddha Rocks" as well as is run by someone who goes by a moniker, "Lord of a Blogosphere." They have been changing a few difference as well as using distressing judgment grammar though on a whole it's my posts verbatim. And, I'm not a usually one. Several other Buddhist bloggers have been being targeted.

They contend which fabrication is a sincerest form of adulation though this is straight out plagiarism. I'm not angry during this chairman though rather have care which they feel such a unfortunate need for courtesy as to steal an additional person's tough work. we wish them to know which they have a intensity to write engaging calm if they would simply let go of trying so tough to stir people. Plagiarism will usually leave them feeling vale as well as empty inside.

May they comprehend which such stealing usually brings increased suffering to them. we don't wish to see them suffer, so we am calling on them to finish this use as well as find their own voice. I'm certain they have something engaging to contend on their own as well as we encourage them to only write from a heart, as well as we know which will move them larger accomplishment than stealing.

~Peace to all beings~

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