How Motivation Works
By Mary Jaksch
What motivates you? Do we respond best to intrinsic motivation, or to foreign motivation. Intrinsic proclivity comes from within. As Daniel Pink, writer of a bestseller Drive says, there have been three main inner drives which motivate us.
Autonomy: the capability to direct your own life.
Mastery: making progress.
Purpose: we do things which matter.
Extrinsic motivation is formed upon a idea which reward boosts motivation. In a following two extraordinary videos, Daniel takes us by a newest investigate about what motivates us. In a first one, Daniel lays out his ideas. In a second video, Daniel explains some-more details in an interview. First, watch a droll and compelling presentation below:
If we enjoyed a video above, check out this talk with Daniel Pink. Hes an animated speaker, and fun to watch. AND he knows what hes talking about
Whats your sense intrinsic or foreign motivation? What boosts your motivation?
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