
With palms together

Good Morning Everyone,

The sunrise light emerges from the dark as well as you find myself sitting sensitively with it. you notice subtle changes voiced by body, speech, as well as mind. Sitting quietly, being witness, itself changes something in us. The act of just sitting is the deeply profound as well as hold up altering experience. It is the heart of the Buddhas awakening. It is the complete teaching.

What is the teaching? Things as it is, says Shunryu Suzuki. What is this? Everyday hold up manifesting everyday hold up or, as Uchiyama suggests, self manifesting Self. We practice to live inside of it.

Just now, for me, this impulse contains light. It contains the aftertaste of coffee in my mouth as well as the still chilled feeling of my bare feet that have not warmed given receiving Suki out for her sunrise business. To live inside of it requires us to notice the hold up you are, in fact, living. How is it for us? Is this exhale enough? Do you cry for more? Want less? Worry about losing it? Gaining it?

For me, every thought, feeling, as well as sensation is the source of wonder and, more often than not, delight. you am just so beholden to be alive, beholden for being innate the tellurian being, as well as humbled by the present of my practice.

Morning Zen during 9:00 during Clear Mind Zen Temple

Be well.Zen knowledge for every day living.

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