
With palms together

Good Morning Everyone,

May a day be one filled with serene reflection. Thanksgiving is such a smashing holiday. It seems to me another word for invocation is gratitude. Gratitude requires 3 things of us. Gratitude, as a quality of selflessness, requires us to demeanour outward of ourselves for those things that maintain as well as support us. Yet, during a same time, it asks us to demeanour inside for a most points in a heart we have been touched. Lastly, thankfulness needs to be voiced in some way.

What do we do with a gratitude? How do we express it? we hope carrying thankfulness means a bit more than a traditional meals, a day off, as well as sales during local stores. For me, we am beholden for a opportunity to demeanour during my life as well as a most people who have steadfastly upheld as well as nurtured me over this last very challenging year. we additionally am beholden for those who did not. Sometimes a prick of unwell friendships puts things in perspective. Perspective is a quality of wisdom.

Today: Zazen during 7:00 AM, Thanksgiving Dinner during Clear Mind Zen Temple during 5:30 PM, as well as Zazen during 7:00 PM.

Be well.Zen knowledge for every day living.

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