The Dharma of Bugs Bunny

That's me as a small dot in a snow. Puts it all in perspective, do not we think? We outlay many of a days thinking whatever is starting upon in a universe as well as a personal needs have been a many important thing, well during slightest to us. We outlay a lot of time arranging a universe to suit us. But if we have been honest with ourselves a being is some-more similar to this picture. It is one of a greatest delusions, which a universe is here to make us happy.

I have had lots of time to watch what my small self gets up to during a recent luscious snowfall here which ground all to a halt as well as knocked energy out for 2 days. The sleet was beautiful -- during first, as well as then when we'd run out of H2O as well as a toilet didn't flush as well as it was removing a mite chilly, we motionless we didn't similar to this diversion anymore. Ah a joy looking human. Give me a latte when we come in from a cold as well as a computer to plunk divided during as well as a sleet is quite delightful. we remember a talk by Tenzin Palmo where she says something like: "if we wish to find a many gentle seat in a house, look where a cat or dog is sleeping." She reminds us which we can do improved than to simply be joy seekers, which whilst this competence be a inclination, which is not what this changed hold up is for.

As day 2 of powerlessness lumbered to a slow tighten we felt a nervous restlessness of wondering when a magical sound of a refrigerator entrance upon competence occur. A few hours? A few days? Longer? It wasn't so much a events of a day, it was a turn a busy, strict thoughts put upon it. Of march there were a lovely walks around a pool embellished out in a tasty snowiness with a sugary skim of ice which a ducks danced on. And a light upon a sleet done up a small for a blank lights. And cooking by candle light. And qi gong by moonlight. And vital b! y a rhyt hm of a day, similar to a small ancient druidic being.

But a thoughts found some-more to stir itself up, missed deliveries of reno materials as well as work schedules buried underneath a covering of snow. There was a thoughts turning small somersaults (or should which be wintersaults) as well as jumping up as well as down similar to Yosemite Sam ( we know we Bugs Bunny fans have been out there investigate a Dharma). we got to see a stark cold facts, (lame joke intended). we am pretty attached to lights as well as my computer as well as a warm bed (I think we competence have been a dog or cat in my former life). And when a energy done a long awaited debut, we noticed how we flinched with each subsequent flicker, how we furrowed my brow during a evening gusts of wind as we filled bowls of H2O (just to be prepared). Do we know how much sleet we have to melt to make a pot of coffee, flush a toilet??

I got to see which age old Dharma lesson: storms happens, pang is optional. Suffering is a product of a mind, a thoughts sticking to it's silly desires about how hold up should unfold. Yet we fall for this small sucker time after time. And of march in a grand scheme of things this was a small event, but still an event to investigate a self. (And Dogen reminded us, "to investigate a self is to dont think about a self, to dont think about a self is to be enlightened by everything.")

And finally when we had harassed myself sufficient we motionless it was time to put my thoughts upon notice as well as get out a small paints, find a half finished board as well as sit down by a fire. It was time to simply get upon with life. we told my thoughts we was receiving a tall road. I've listened it's reduction crowded.

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