"Buddhist Website Shut Down for Posting Too Much 'Free' Music"
Someday soon, a pretension similar to a pretension of this post could be true. David over at a Endless Further, posted a following today:
This week weve had a debate over airport screenings as well as pat-downs conducted by TSA or Transportation Safety Administration, a bend of a US Department of Homeland Security. The check in subject amounts to an additional kind of pat-down as well as eventually, take-down. The Combating Online Infringement as well as Counterfeits Act (COICA) received unanimous approval from a Senate Judiciary Committee. It will still need full approval from a House as well as Senate before becoming law.
In a nutshell, this check gives a Attorney General a energy to close down websites if copyright infringement is deemed executive to a websites activities. Under this bill, a website can be close down even if no crime was committed. Critics say which this check will allow censorship of a Internet but due process, as well as a vast subject is who will establish which web sites should be close down. The government? Yahoo? Google? ARIN?
As David further points out, this should be an issue which crosses domestic boundaries, as it impacts any one we do work online. In my view, it's nonetheless an additional effort to mangle down a already thin limit in between a supervision as well as U.S. corporations. Between a huge corporate lobbying body, a numerous supervision appointees as well as inaugurated officials who before hold or even sometimes now hold, energy positions in multinationals, purchased elections, piles of corporate welfare, as well as a authorised code, as well as a Supreme Court, which tends to payoff corporations over people - it's harder as well as harder to tell a disproportion in between a U.S. supervision as well as corporate America. Sounds cynical? Well, you're damn right in which assessment. And whilst millions are si! tting in front of their TVs examination football, Dancing with a Stars, American Idol, or whatever - bills similar to a one David mentions above only happen, as well as a civil liberties people use to defend vast scale crusade are disappearing. People can roar "Freedom isn't free!" all they want, but if as well most of us are so feeble aware of a state of a world which we can't see how fighting wars in Afghanistan as well as Iraq have zero to do with "our freedom," as well as how legislation similar to a COICA check has everything to do with it - well, we'll get to find out what which equates to shortly enough.
For those of we in a U.S. who are meddlesome in speaking out opposite this bill, we can locate your Senators here.