
Showing posts from December, 2010

One at the Beginning, One at the End

After a poetic day of wandering a island as well as having a mini take a break which you conjured up in a brand brand new kitchen ( a small red pepper humous, object dusty chopped tomatoes tapenade, Moroccan lentil soup, some tender olives, a couple of dolmades ... you're getting a feasting picture!) you are preparing to join Peter in his pick brand brand new year's celebration. We have illuminated a fire in a Zendo (first time), have some candles illuminated as well as have my singing play waiting to strike 108 times (alas, no bell). And afterwards a couple of sips of something bubbly during midnight. But as you sat down to write in my journal, you found something longed for to share as a brand brand new year's offering. It's a allude to I'd copied in March from my daughter's duplicate of "Taking The Leap' by Pema Chodron. Perhaps a great approach to send off a old year as well as step over a threshold of a brand brand new one?? "In a Buddhist...

What Do You Dream of Becoming?

By Mary Jaksch The begin of a New Year is an opportunity for change. Its a possibility to reflect upon where we have been starting as well as to concentration upon your dreams: What do we wish to do? What do we wish to become? Listen to a video with a pleasing soundtrack below (its played by a violinist Joshua Bell). As we listen, let your thoughts ramble as well as see what dreams have been watchful to be fulfilled. If we cant see a video below, click here to see it. What have been your dreams for your life? What do we wish to do? What do we wish to become? Please share in a comments.

Screw New Year's Resolutions - Part II

At a commencement of a year, you offered a following post. It stays loyal to me as 2010 comes to a close. It's unequivocally interesting how a same themes arise again as good as again, isn't it? Like this: Even yet you consider there is something in a devout hold up which competence be called Great Hope, many of what you call "hope" - even in a devout context - is simply rascal by an additional name. If you can find a goal which is not closely trustworthy to fear, afterwards maybe which is worth having. But be honest, have you ever done a New Year's resolution which wasn't brimful with a fright of failure, or a little other fear? I similar to a thought of commencement anew. Of starting again as good as again - with fresh eyes. Beginning anew is akin to "don't know mind" in which both, in their process, violation through fixed views of what is. Hope as good as fear. Guess I've been upon purpose operative with those two for awhile now. you imag...

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/31/2010

"Feelings, either of care or irritation, should be welcomed, recognized, as well as treated on an absolutely next to basis; because both have been ourselves. The tangerine we am eating is me. The mustard greens we am planting have been me. we plant with all my heart as well as mind. we clean this teapot with the kind of courtesy we would have were we giving the baby Buddha or Jesus the bath. Nothing should be treated some-more carefully than anything else. In mindfulness, compassion, irritation, mustard immature plant, as well as teapot have been all sacred." ~Thich Nhat Hanh Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma

Zendot Turns Two, No Tantrums, Please, We're Buddhist

Two years ago today, we wrote my initial post upon blogger. we was dipping my toe in to a cyber ink pot (now that's better than ambidextrous, do not you think?). we had posted a small art upon etsy as well as a etsy tips referred to a blog was a good thing. Sure because not. we didn't have a transparent thought of where we was starting though we pulled upon my blogger boots as well as headed off down a trail, posting my initial square of art called "Post Apocalyptic Buddhist Graffiti" Three passions bumped in to any other upon a trail, my adore of writing, exploring a Dharma as well as art. Here was a place they could cling to out together, meet, shake up hands, have a coffee, do a hokey pokey, anything within a bounds of reasonably good taste. It didn't unequivocally make a difference if anyone review what fell in a blogger forest, we was balancing precariously upon a small cyber soap box. It felt similar to a bizarre brew of offering as well as opportunit...

Rocky Mountain Buddhist Hermit.

Growing up during a feet of a Rocky Mountains, (Colorado) spending decades rock climbing their heights as well as summer's backpacking in to remote, towering lakes for a week's stay, has been staggering in assisting my Dharma practice. It is additionally why we am so captivated to a way of a Buddhist cenobite who's monastery is a mountain-tops (or forests) as well as his sangha a wildlife. Nature teaches we patience, profitable attention, we do some-more with less, appreciating what we have as well as awaiting a unexpected. In short -- it teaches we how to live in a benefaction moment. In a tall mountains, (10,000 ft upon top of sea level as well as higher) circumstances can change faster than a blink of an eye. The altitude changes all to where we have to be rapt during all times to survive. It can be warm, short's continue down in locale during a month of Aug when we go backpacking; nonetheless we still have to container winter gear. You can be hiking in shorts as wel...

A New Year's Eve Message

Everything is empty! Here you have been upon a margin of another year. We can make use of this event to reflect over a past year, or to contemplate a future. This can be beneficial, as long as a thoughtfulness does not spin in to bewail or resentment, as well as as long as a pondering does not spin to fright or worry. Whatever you do upon a eve of 2011, you can do it with awareness. If you act from a state of meaningful rather than nescience, you have a larger possibility of doing it right, as well as even developing some wisdom. Wisdom is indispensable in this world. Look at a sky ripped open, a still-hungry millions, a near-extinct animals, a war-mongering, as well as a general fear. On New Year's Eve, many of us will get out of a heads upon alcohol and/or drugs, shutting out a pang world, as well as burying a own miseries underneath copious amounts of intoxicants. This, however, will simply leave us with a hangover upon New Year's Day, as well as no deeper bargain of a world...

Eido Shimano and Social Responsibilty for the Wider Sangha

A couple of days ago, Al over during Open Buddha posted the set of letters concerning Zen teacher Eido Shimano Roshi, who has been embroiled in debate for nearly three decades now. Memebers of the American Buddhist blogosphere, together with the late Robert Aitken Roshi, have been pushing tough upon the assorted crack of ethics issues concerned in this box for awhile now. Sex as well as energy abuse scandals have been not during all singular to Zen Buddhism, so this can be noticed as yet another the single of those cases. But it's additionally the single which has, for assorted reasons, left public, together with in the NY Times article cited in the minute from Eido Roshi which appears upon Al's blog. This morning, Zen teacher James Ford, who has had some new involvement with the box by general warn of care during the NY Zen Studies Society, released an open minute upon his blog which includes the following: I was between those who counseled Shinge Roshi as well as Genjo Sensei...

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/30/2010

"Root out a violence in your life, as well as learn to live compassionately as well as mindfully. Seek peace. When we have peace within, real peace with others is possible." ~Thich Nhat Hanh Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma

Mickey Mouse has no Buddha-nature

Before we went to Disneyland in the early sixties, we never gave Disney's mouse most thought. Sure, we watched the Mickey Mouse Club though especially to see Annette Funicello. After my visit to Disneyland we gave Mickey even less thought. Disneyland was usually the tall category county fair, reduction the stock as well as the chickens. Now we realize which this small three finger human-like margin mouse is the messenger of nothingness. He is not all which innocent with his squeaky small voice. Sure, we all know he is not the genuine mouse; which Walt Disney created the Mickey Mouse impression in 1928. He appeared in the initial sound cartoon in 1928, Steamboat Willie. Not most later Roy Disney decided to copyright the character. This led eventually to the contract with George Borgfeldt who would make toys regulating Mickey as well as Minnie Mouse. After that, Mickey ruled the world. The genuine truth is which Mickey manners over the soulless false paradise which brings the rank as...

How is Liberation?

I adore the wide-open, sometimes gnarly, sometimes snarly, all in adore with hold up presence of Alan Clements. Last night, we listened to the new speak with him, as good as then discovered this speak from multiform years ago, which covers the little of the same territory, yet additionally breaks off in different directions. One of the beautiful things about this man is which he is the fierce dissident when it comes to Buddhism in it's institutional, rhetorical, as good as hackneyed forms as good as views, whilst still embodying apply oneself as good as even reverence for the people as good as practices found therein. Witness this exchange: AC: As distant as we understand, the Buddhist practice of non-grasping is meant as the equates to to discover anattathatyou dont exist. My point is which we do exist as good as which we must do all which we can to sense how to consolidate the existence, the humanness, as good as not homogenize it or try to transcend it. And to me, which equates ...

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/29/2010

"The source of adore is low in us as well as you can help others comprehend the lot of happiness. One word, a single action, a single suspicion can revoke another person's pang as well as bring which chairman joy." ~Thich Nhat Hanh Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma

Mind an nirvana

One can review in to The Awakening of Faith (Hakedas translation), that by a way is a very critical dissertation for Mahayana Buddhists, that a nonarising of a deluded mind, in that a marks of a deluded thoughts have been nullified, constitutes obscurity (cp. 61). By implication, a fulfilment of pristine Mind, that is, Mind minus a self-generated fluctuations that all a time bewitch it, is nirvana. Stated otherwise, pristine Mind, Suchness, as well as obscurity have been fungible. In advancing from samsara to nirvana, that is entering a realm of Suchness as well as pristine Mind, it has to be understood that Mind, fundamentally, is utterly devoid of any form or mark. From a viewpoint of feeling consciousness, Mind is utterly indeterminate. If our feeling alertness resembles something like a fishing net perplexing to catch Mind, it will be incompetent to capture it since Mind is space-like as well as empty. Incidentally, this strongly suggests that Mind has to be realized upon a own ter...

Authentic Voice

I have been fortunate sufficient to have lots of tasty time for only lolly gagging around the house, reading, eating, contemplating. Along with the smashing constitutional homeopathic remedy as well as the little extraordinary food prepared by Everyoneisvegan this still time has been exactly what we needed. Last night sufficient space non-stop up around me which we started meditative about my art again. Three encounters got me meditative about "authentic voice", something which is both important as well as fugitive to me in my art, at least from my vantage point. A lot of the time we feel similar to we skip the symbol due to disappointment as well as impatience. we target to orient myself toward this north star of accurate voice in the coming brand brand new year. we will be looking for the felt sense of something rising as we create, something which comes through me, though isn't this small me, something connected to the larger presence. we will know it when we enc...

Dukkha v.3

This pain pervades a whole world, Saturated as it is in misery. Images of pang young kids merge Into a spasms of these nerves. A screaming babe, umbilical intact, Aging parents adrift in a past, Lovers disgusted by their embrace, Blackened mourners in a rain. Happiness is a thin veneer, Beneath that lies a truth. This is a inheritance of us all, Birth, aging, sickness as well as death: Dukkha. In each moment of misery, however, The lion's roar can be heard aloud; Calling us all to recognition of The promise of a cold breeze.

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/28/2010

"Keeping your physique full of health is an countenance of gratitude to a whole creation - a trees, a clouds, everything." ~Thich Nhat Hanh Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma

The Essential Zen Habits of 2010

Post written by Leo Babauta. I am overjoyed. Zen Habits has only finished the 4th year of existence as good as each year has been better than the last. This year has been no exception. How great the year has it been? Zen Habits grew from 150,000 subscribers to good over 200,000 as good as surfaced TIME magazines Top 25 blogs for 2010 (after additionally creation it in 2009). But the joy has left beyond numbers for me both professionally as good as personally: I finished as good as self-published my new bookfocus as good as it has done awfully well. I moved my family from Guam to San Francisco as good as have been loving it here in this pleasing city. We gave up our vehicle utterly for the first time as good as indeed adore the car-free life. I lost some-more weight during the commencement of the year as good as am fitter slimmer as good as healthier than ever. By far. I utterly separated ads here upon Zen Habits as good as rely entirely upon my lovely readers as good as onselling my o...

Dark Tunnel Dukkha

For assorted reasons, this time of year tends to bring out a worst in me. Or which which we do not wish to demeanour at, have avoided, am fearful of, etc. This year, it feels utterly fierce, given where we am in my life. After 3 months of not working, I'm removing a crash course in how formidable it is to let go of external identities as great as desired await from others, as great as usually be yourself right now. Here is a reduced list of what's been entrance up for me over a past couple of weeks: 1. Lots of questions about who we am as great as where we am going. 2. Lack of confidence. 3. Fear. Lots as great as lots of fear. 4. Avoiding. Lots of avoiding. 5. Frustration with an incapacity to clear what's starting upon to others. 6. Irritation with unsolicited advice. 7. Guilt. we mean, after 3 months, why do not we have something figured out? 8. Surprise. Why has a harsh critical voice suddenly returned with full force? 9. Anger. A some-more not long ago returned guest. ...

Thanks to the ghost of Bukowski past

On Yuletide day we accidently came opposite Charles Bukowski's poem, "The Genius of a Crowd." (Maybe it wasn't an accident. It could have been late blooming karma.) His poem is about what we cruise to be perhaps one of a greatest evils of a modern age. It is mediocrity, or in Bukowski's poem a "average male a normal woman." Bluntly, their averageness is a killer. The normal people have been those who, though realizing it, every day try to kill any devout clarity a tellurian heart competence have left. They do all this, mercilessly, though being unwavering of a actuality they have been even you do it. This is a really immorality part: a swoon of it. It's similar to they have been automatic to poke for suggestion afterwards fall short it. This starts a partial of Bukowski's poem which resonated with my own clarity of how much normal Buddhists have been destroying Buddhism. The poem warns: Beware The Average Man the Average Woman BEWARE. Their Love ...

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/27/2010

"The true miracle is not upon foot upon water or upon foot in air, though simply upon foot upon this earth." ~Thich Nhat Hanh Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma

The Young Buddhists Association of Thailand (YBAT)

The mission for a YBAT is to learn vipassana to a Thai society as great as general community. This year they have celebrated their 60th anniversary. Over this time a comforts have expanded as great as a group has one after another to grow. YBAT teachers mainly make make use of of a Mahasi Sayadaw slight from Burma, which is based upon a 4 foundations of mindfulness. They additionally focus upon training as great as assisting to understand a self as great as mind, as great as a slight of progression in vipassana imagining toward liberation. I met with Khun Tom Thaviporn, who is an director who helps to promote a courses by building brand new centers, keeping a course schedule, as great as mouth-watering brand new teachers. I spoke to him often about YBATs general retreats, teachers, as great as participants. For general retreats during this time YBAT has two main instructors, Phra Pandit as great as Ajahn Helen Jandamit, who come semi-regularly to lead retreats. As great Western monks f...